Dessa B

Might be waiting a while, unleas you know some people who can make a highly efficient html5 emulator for switch.

Any chance this will get a full review when you're finished? I need the world to know this game.

You won't regret it. It's an amazing game


BG&E 2 was suggested in the original games' ending, so it's even older than 2008 in a way

Pretty sure all suicides kill the atacker first now, which I think is dymb and I  don't even play characters that have them

Whoah doncha think that's a bit extreme?

It’s a good schtick. Keep it going

Huh. Never knew

Temple (from Zelda) is still good though. That’s one big stage that manages to be fun

Thanks dude! This was interesting.

I'm interested to hear your thoughts on Battle Angel Alita's eyes


My advice then is just pick the strongest neutral you can and just go with recommended on support spirits unless you specifically need to counteract some fuckery

He was accepting an award. That's actually the right time to be self-serving. Like, that's the whole point.

The trophy's mine!

It’s more of a catch-all for the rising tide of fascism. Conservatism in the US has very much taken a fascist bent that resembles earlier steps in fascist development. The Nazis didn’t start out straight up gassing people. They started with smaller steps. You don’t need to be full on pushing open genocide for the

Considering English is an official language in singapore, its pretty believable. Also, aren’t the Roma nomadic? Wouldn’t be farfetched at all to find some had made their way across the continent.  Is it confirmed sge was lying or suspected?

There’s a lot of good fight choreography, but there’s a lot of bad too. I hope they pick directors who know the value of a long sequence at mid-range and actors who can sell hits and make stunts pop. Netflix has a decent track record with the fight choreography of their marvel shows. Let’s hope that rubs off here.

That anxiety is exacly why I so rarely play open world games. I always feel like I'm doing things in the wrong order and missing good shit