Dessa B

5 years is a better test of quality. In 50 years, the discussion about games this old will be more about what was influential or socially notable rather than what was a true joy, as it’s harder to articulate joy than influence, and the frame of reference and technology will be completely foreign to modern brains.

I wish theyd put an LZ button on it so I could use it instead of a pro controller for any game

I didn’t read the whole thing, so hate on me in the replies if you wanna, but I had trouble getting past the dismissal of power dynamics and the effect they have on peoples’ self images.

Okay, so like, hear me out. Her gun has 2 firing modes, and scoped mode does extra damage per shot. I’m imagining a gun that can load 2 different types of ammo. On a normal trigger pull, it simply loads the next bullet into the chamber for autofire. But she can choose to cock before firing, which unloads a normal

The "breakdown in civility" is a symptom, not a cause.

The scourge of straightphobia has killed so many. Just think about uh...  Well, um...  Okay, can you help me out here?

Speaking of games coming out of early access, where is the love for Crosscode, Kotaku? It's the best game nobody has played this year but should.

“Pop Culture” — Bonus joke in there for the midwestern kids, eh?

“It makes us look bad”

To who?  Republicans?

the game’s tight underlying mechanics and its bloated, meandering story mode

Fuck the police

I came here to post this and felt so welcomed to see I wasn’t the only one who felt this way. Thank you so much for making this a community, Ghando.

It’s sexy for some. Some people just like fursuits. Some don’t do fursuits and are just huge fans of Disney’s TaleSpin.  Ultimately, it’s just people who like anthropomorphic animals in some way, shape, or form.

Zero is going to destroy him.  DE-STROY. 

I was joking, nerd.

Are you psychic?

“If you insist on reading every statement about a group you identify with that way, you’re part of the problem.”

“Poorer team has to be smarter, work harder than rich teams to get ahead“ isn’t really an insight.

It was built from the ground-up to be single player. Adding co-op would probably be underwhelming.  Second player wouldn’t have much to do when party members leave because story reasons.  Might still be fun for shits and giggles tho

The web browser demo is an early version, but surprisingly good. The final game, I’m pretty sure, is just steam and eventually PS4.

But the answer to your question is: Real fuckin’ good.