Dessa B

Nah. He doesnt really move or behave like wario, luigi, or mario.

“Nazi is short for Nationalsozialismus or National Socialism, which by nature is left wing and Marxists will have to except and answer for their half sibling to the end of time.”

Doesn’t explain why they booed the victor.

Melee Purists booed a smash 4 tourney once, and booed the victor in grand finals just because they were upset that it wasn’t melee-time yet. I’ve run into plenty of assholes in the melee community online as well. There’s a loud minority that is very obnoxious

God gave me these fat thumbs. I didn’t ask for them.

One Punch Man or I riot

Yesm byut when are they going to put Frozone in Kingdom Hearts?

There puttin girl cups in mah video games


Nah. nobody understands what the hell is going on. I stopped halfwy thru the first as well, but KH2 was still 🔥🔥🔥 all the way thru.

I love the chaos and wackiness, and I love the stripped down 1v1s. I just love smash, man.

What I love most about PC is how I can play it on the bus, the toilet, and in bed...

I live in a state without a speial tipped minimum and the prices are fine, service good, and food delicious. The only people mad about it are the ownership class who does nothing but collect the surplus money everyone else produces.

It’s a fair point, and credit to Square here, the conversion for CT is really good. Still, for me, and perhaps for some others, it comes down to the fact that the extras in the DS version didn’t add much. The animated sequences are mostly redundant, and while very cool standalone, they always felt out of place to me

I feel like CT just edges out FF6 on the basis of CT being just a bit more polished. FF6 has lulls in the narrative and difficulty spikes, and can feel a bit grindy here and there, not to mention some serious bugs (fixed in later versions of the game). Don’t get me wrong, FF6 is amazing, and an essential of the genre,

I would disagree that the DS version is the best version. It’s quite excellent, but the music’s MIDI samples had to be compressed to work with the DS’s less potent sound capabilities, and the music quality suffers a bit as a result.

Someone did make a competing monster catcher game: Yokai Watch. It’s super popular in Japan even. Go play that.

Man, you were one of my faves, and you had the best beats too :(


Right? That was the best part of the concept art.