God damn if these comments aren’t filled with some bootlicking bullshit.
God damn if these comments aren’t filled with some bootlicking bullshit.
In this one story we have:
“It isn’t right for you to denigrate those replacement workers by calling them names.”
Chalk up another win for the strategy of dividing the working class against itself and propagating the belief that accepting exploitation is somehow an old fashioned virtue and perhaps even patriotic. (I’m taking a wild guess that brodozers running into picketers do not contain mine owners or executives and their…
I’d argue that it’s not covered if that is in fact private property where the picket line is (not a public street, highway, or road), and that obstructing someone from entering private property isn’t the same as obstructing, impeding or hindering the normal use of the road. But I don’t know that I’d trust the local…
Read your quote again for the real satire.
Yes, look at all those picketers threatening to stop a 4000 lb hunk of steel with their faces. Truly terrifying for the truck driver.
The members of the union at THIS mine agreed to a pay cut to save their jobs when the previous owner declared bankruptcy (likely after saddling the mine with debt or running it into the ground to pay themselves a tidy sum). They now seek compensation in line with other UNIONIZED miners.
What about the workers who are striking to be able to feed their families? You know, the ones who aren’t driving cars into crowds and attempting vehicular manslaughter striking workers fighting for better conditions.
I like cars.
mmm boot licky taste good
It’s frightening how many people online are just cool with killing people over slight inconveniences these days.
Sounds like something a scab would say.
I lived in WV for 25 years. My first thought on this video was “some scab is going to get beaten or shot.”
Fuck off, scab
West Virginia used to have some really ominous graffiti in coal country. Multiple signs telling a story of running off scabs, huge warnings painted on the road and gangs of men at mine entrances with a couple of burn barrels were pretty common. I didn’t know there were still any brothers out there kicking ass. All you…
their struggle has not received much attention in the press.
In before the defenders of vehicle attacks/attackers! 3, 2, 1...