
@TheTrollPatrol: A full 720p on the resolution at that size would have been nice. That's pretty much my only complaint. That, and it didn't come out within a month of the iPad.

Truly a revolutionary and magical innovation.

@Jaredu: That's not really relevant to what I said. I don't disagree that Sony should have left the Other OS option alone, but the update that eliminated it was optional and there were warnings. It didn't come out of nowhere and it wasn't forced on you.

@bLuEpInOy: There was lots of warning. I knew it was coming well ahead of time and didn't apply the update that took it away.

@SewerShark: No they don't. They do, however, go in roughly the same order as the alphabetical layout on the SNES.

@Return of DaOtter: If the 360 had a usable d-pad it would be the greatest controller of all time, bar none. As it stands, it's probably the best 3D gaming controller.

@Turing_Machine: I'm pretty sure Picasa uses Winelib to run on Linux, though that may have changed since the last time I tried it. What the OP is asking for is a version of those apps that doesn't use Winelib.

Holy shit. I saw this and thought, "man, there was a guy working on a GTA3 remake for NES, I wonder what happened with that?" and after some googling, I find it's the same game. That's pretty fucking awesome. Glad to see he turned that project into something more than just a hobby project. It looks insane, and I'll

@RuckingFetard: no, you scroll 2 fingers from the top of the pad to the bottom to scroll. It's like scrolling on the side of the pad but from the centre. Two fingers as a tap is the same as a right-click, IIRC.

@RuckingFetard: That's already supported, even on single-touch pads.

@Ivan Williams: And Ghost World is another movie that was good but not nearly as good as its rabid fanbase believes it is.

@PunkyChipsAhoy: Unfortunately, 20,000 (or even 200 000) people at $10 a pop doesn't add up to anywhere near this movie's budget, so the theory stands. Even if those people would have all seen the movie three times in theatres and bought the movie on blu-ray at $40, that's still a drop in the bucket. If 2 000 000

@Tepoz: Do you live in some small town without a modern multiplex? It runs on the same screens as every other movie in my city.

@heino_forsstrom: I would normally disagree, as I hate theatres and dealing with the idiots who play with their phones, talk loudly, kick the back of my seat whenever they shift their restless legs, etc. But this movie is doing terribly, so odds are good the theatre will be mostly empty anyway. Take advantage.

@Blyr: Never read the comic books, but I got the distinct impression that this is the sort of thing that would have been better served with a miniseries or something like that instead of a movie. To cram everything into a 2 hour movie, everything that happened felt very rushed and there was a real lack of character

@Kai200X: It's not based on a video game. It's based on comic books. There is also a video game based on the same comics.

@Unseen: I agree with this basically in its entirety. I saw the movie a couple of days before opening night at a preview screening. It does feel like it's trying too hard and it does have some massive flaws in plot, pacing, and character development. And its fanbase makes tween Twilight fans seem absolutely logical

@ddhboy: He's basically the same in this, feel free to judge.

I saw this on Wednesday at a screening sponsored by some local TV and radio stations. Probably wouldn't have gone otherwise, the whole Scott Pilgrim thing seems like it's trying way too hard, from the graphic novels to the game. After seeing the movie, that opinion was reinforced. Someone noted it down below, the