
@eyeball88: I don't hate the guy, but he pretty much always plays the same role, the kind of dorky, awkward guy who gets easily flustered by women or social interaction, and he usually does it in hipster movies. Any time I see that he's going to be in a movie, I pretty much know what he's going to be doing well before

@TheSolarKnight: Yes. It's a variant of the PowerPC architecture. Actually, IIRC all of the current generation of consoles run some Power-derived CPU, though the Cell is the most different of the bunch.

@skyhawkmatthew: RIM, HTC, Samsung, Motorola, etc. seem to be doing fine by providing CDMA and GSM models of their phones. The original Droid, for example, is available in Canada and Europe as the Milestone, supporting HSPA on the common frequencies used in both regions.

Mr. Totilo,

@Chon: You could always consider a custom ROM.

@farcedude: Have you ever tried to eat nachos, mess with the radio and drink a slurpee while trying to shift gears? I can assure you, it's no picnic. I, for one, am glad that some cars take care of some of the work for me by shifting themselves. Now if only they could pick up a nacho, ensure it has the optimal amount

@dissolved: If you want to play NBA Jam, chances are you'd get a kick out of Elite anyways

@battra92: Likewise. Doubly so if free food is being offered.

@sevendust4: Not really, no. HTC hasn't been shovelling hardware out the door, with most of the phones being carrier specific variants of certain hardware. Motorola only just released the Droid X, but it's more competition for the Evo than a follow up to the Droid, and the actual Droid 2 or whatever isn't expected for

When it comes to the App Store, a case can be made against Apple's censorship because there's no supported alternative. You buy from the App Store or you violate your warranty to jailbreak and sideload apps. This case isn't like that. There are other book stores that sell books in formats readable on the

@0300078: Ages? Maemo 5 was only released on an actual device last October. It hasn't even been a year.

@joergen: Don't count on luck. Make sure your congresscritter knows your opinion on the subject. It might not make much of a difference, but it's something.

@GGear0323: It is when it will eventually be a deal of the week for 800 points. Which it will. I've done fairly well so far holding out for the games I wanted, and in hindsight I wish I'd waited for Braid to go on sale, too.

@VodkaSeven: No, no CFL rules in Backbreaker, sadly. The inclusion of the CFL in a Madden game would be enough to get me to buy it, and it's disappointing since they've included NFL Europe in the past, as well as several European hockey leagues and teams in the NHL series. It would be pretty great if future BB titles

@Odin: Thank you for summarising why I hate this kind of stupid bullshit. If this were done with an N900 or an Evo, nobody would give a shit. It's just an excuse to jump on the iPhone hype train.

I bet Gary Bettman stepped in personally to make sure RIM's bid fell through. He couldn't have them relocating Palm's head office to Hamilton, no matter how much money they were losing.

@MazdaMania: So let me get this straight. Because this is a US blog, that means that when Gizmodo talks about other carriers testing the iPhone, that has to mean a US carrier? Don't be an idiot, read for context.

@comm0: Fun fact: The world is bigger than just the USA. Those global carriers might not be selling the iPhone yet, but it's not like they're going to be missing out on this generation.

@Nawara_Ven: I'm not entirely sure why you would want a used MS points card, but I'm sure they'll give you one for free if you really want.

USA only, I presume?