
@OfficerJesus: Touchscreen controls that emulate a traditional controller

@rendrboy: Why should they do the right thing when they can just tell the cult that what they're doing is right and it is so?

@ThatKidHunter: Most people with expensive car systems only care about volume, and you can still get that out of mp3's. Those people aren't exactly audiophiles, it's all about showing off and trying to get attention.

@dontwannaregister: I have the original PSP, and it indicates when the battery is low by blinking the power light on and off. Unfortunately, as the article states, this is often covered by my thumb, so I wind up just pressing "Home" every once in a while to get the battery status.

@tatiana.noel: Most people learn to use a computer by memorisation. If they've "figured it out", they've memorised their solution and anything else will just confuse them. It's the difference between knowing how to do something and knowing how something works.

@pwheeler: One of my first computer-related jobs after graduating college was tech support for Microsoft. We had a month of training before going to the phones, and the bulk of it revolved around learning to search the knowledge base quickly and effectively. Knowing Windows was an asset but entirely unnecessary for

@adinnieken: *ahem* 600 million. XBox Live hasn't generated over a trillion dollars of revenue, I'm sure.

@DaveyNC: The flow already gets disrupted after a goal. In the time the players are running around ripping their shirts off and hugging (or arguing with the ref), I've seen 10 replays of the goal from every available angle. The cameras are already in place. All you need is for them to go to a monitor that an official

@00Red: It doesn't make the game more exciting, but it does make it better by making it more fair. The comparison to chess is ridiculous for any number of reasons, but under all of the conditions you mentioned (aside from cheating, which is outside the rules of the game), it still comes down to either the best team

@00Red: Where did I say instant replay makes sports interesting? Did you even read my comment? OH MAN, THAT REPLAY WAS THE MOST EXCITING THING EVER. No. It helps remove human error and ensure that the end result is more fair to the participants. Yes, it adds a bit to the costs, and no, it can't be implemented at all

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Honestly, I'm of the opinion that an offside call (or non-call) shouldn't be reviewed unless there's a goal. If it's a "no goal", I guess you could just restart the play either from where the call should have been or treat it as a goal kick. Otherwise, fuck it, shit happens. The

@Felipe Arcos: My #1 sport is hockey, which still manages to be fast-paced even with video replay. And you really didn't provide any sort of counter argument. How is the game benefited by not adopting this technology? Seriously, by posting "you have other sports loaded with gadgets" you've both completely missed what

@Felipe Arcos: You've clearly never watched any other sport than association football. Seriously. Video technology is used in almost every other major sport at the highest levels. It's not "every call, under review, all the time". It's not robots making decisions. It's using technology to help humans make better ones.

@hahnchen: a netbook platform Bzzzzzz, wrong. One of MeeGo's parents is Moblin, yes, but the other is Maemo, the OS Nokia used for its N-series internet tablets/phones. My N900 has some rough edges, but its UI is definitely more intended for small touchscreens than any netbook OS. Nokia's MeeGo will have a different

@McLucky: 20% of A is less than 5% of B if A is a considerably smaller number. 20% of 5 000, for example, is less than 5% of 100 000.

@OriginalGman: If you like late 80's-early 90's JRPG's, they're pretty good. My favourite was 4, but other people have their preferences. They're a far cry from what's available today, and I wouldn't even rank them with Square's best efforts (FF6, CT) but they were pretty solid for the day, and the setting was

@Laertus: I've posted this before, but almost all games on XBLA seem like they're 400 points too much. Most of the good 1200 point games are must-buy at 800 or less, and almost anything is worth picking up at 400. At 8-1200 though, I don't know. That might seem weird for some people, but thankfully there are frequent

@Akio Morita: It's a German name. The W is like V in English, and "oe" doesn't produce the "oh" sound like it would in English.

@ninja_togo: With all due respect I don't believe I have to actually use one to see what they are being marketed as.