
@DrunkDeathClaw: Actually, that could be pretty cool.

@Bricked: I'm not saying the suit wasn't bullshit. It totally was. Marvel settled because they knew it, and Cryptic and NCSoft settled because it was probably cheaper than fighting it. But bullshit suits like this are brought up all the time, and it's probably cheaper for these guys to block NFL replica teams than to

@FoolInjection: I think the restriction on creating NFL replica teams stems from something like the lawsuit against the makers of City of Heroes. They didn't ship a game with Wolverine or Superman, but they gave you all the tools to make them yourself, and Marvel and DC sued the crap out of them when all kinds of

I'm still waiting for a football game that will include the Canadian rules as an option. Since I'll probably be waiting a long time, I'll probably pick up Backbreaker when I see it a little cheaper, as I liked the demo quite a bit. It was also fairly easy to pick up and play after going through the tutorials, which is

Just for the record, pre-orders started on September 30, 2008, and it was expected to ship "two months" later, so it's only about a year and a half behind schedule. That's still pretty bad, but nowhere near as bad as you're making it out to be.

@Gemini-Phoenix: PSX apparently runs pretty good but DC is still pushing it. The emulator is still under active development and won't support the games that used WinCE but someday it might run pretty well.

@JesusDeSaad: It can't run WoW. It's not using an x86 CPU and Blizzard has never done a port to any ARM platform, let alone one with a userbase of a few thousand. Not happening. Ever. The best you can hope for is something like streammygame.

@Gabbelgak: Considering what kind of PC you need to run PS2 games with any kind of decent performance, this expectation is pretty ridiculous.

@WalnutSoap: The system-on-a-chip it uses is similar to the Droid and the N900, so it's not that far out of date.

@#c23671368: Admittedly, he is quite a bit older now though.

@CrimsonGhost: FIVE downs? You guys already have one more than you need.

@Helba: Hubris is Humorous.: No, he's claiming Mac OS is more open than the PS3, which is absolutely correct. Your claim that, because the iDevices are closed, Mac OS is a closed platform too is utterly absurd. It's as open as Windows is, if not moreso, and that's what Valve is developing for, not the iStuff.

@Chalkdust: How can you not know about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? They're heroes in a half-shell! And when the evil Shredder attacks, those turtle boys don't cut him no slack!

@Helba: Hubris is Humorous.: Perhaps you'd care to explain how Macs aren't an open platform. He's not talking about the iPhone/pod/pad. Aside from hardware restrictions, Mac OS is no more closed than Windows is. In fact, considering sizable chunks of the system are open source, it is arguably more open than Windows,

@Outrider: This has been the case for me as well. Back when I was a teen and had nothing but free time, I had no problem plowing through a 100 hour RPG and level-grinding before boss encounters, etc., but these days, I just can't do that. The occasional 40-50 hour game is ok but most of the games I enjoy come in

@MissAshley42: No, I thought it was a badly drawn wang at first, too. It was only when I realised what it was that I understood why it wasn't censored. 7 is a little early, but I will usually wake up between 8 and 8:30, even on only a few hours of sleep. I have to force myself to sleep in most weekends, unless I'm hung over. Oddly, I feel more rested on only a few hours of sleep waking up at 8 than I do on a full 8 hours waking up at 7. I

@timgray: He's referring to the cycle of constantly trading in your car for something new. I've known a lot of people who do that. As soon as one car is paid off, it's off to the dealership to incur another 60 months of payments. That seems insane to me.