
@diagorus: I thought the first person hand-to-hand in Chronicles of Riddick was ok, but I don't think it can compare to this.

@Laertus: I always feel that way about games on Live. It's like almost all of them are priced 400 points more than I'm willing to pay for that game. I know there are people who bitch about that viewpoint, but at 400 points (or 800 for some of the really top-notch titles), they're immediate impulse buys. At 800-1200, I

These guys should have taken a few minutes to google their software's name. There's already a Kino out there. Looks neat though if you're easily distracted.

@theBMB: Oddly, most of the best Link cosplayers I've seen pictures of have been girls.

I was going to say "I wish other sports would follow this example", but that's pretty steep. I'll keep streaming my sports from free sites to my HTPC, thanks.

@superhappyfuntime: I would assume it depends on what your netbook has for a GPU. A Broadcom CrystalHD and some (but not most) Intel GMA models are capable of accelerating HD video, as is nVidia's Ion, but a lot of the older netbooks lack the GPU muscle for this to help much.

With movies, it's subs every time. No question. With games, I could go either way. There have been some dubs that are as good or better than the original language versions (MGS comes to mind, Snatcher had a pretty good dub, among others), but other times you wind up with stuff like Shenmue. The Japanese version of

@trunkenmath: I noticed that immediately. There are some superficial similarities to hockey, and given that where I live, the NHL is king, they play up those similarities in the advertising, but I watched it and thought it was more like a faster paced, more violent basketball game.

@huevosrancheros: Steve McQueen never wore a batsuit with nipples. Clooney isn't even in the same league.

@CrabDoctor: It's Nintendo. I doubt it will break the bank, they're usually pretty good about that sort of thing. They probably wouldn't be including it unless they'd figured out a way to do it for relatively cheap.

The only downside to this is that it killed potential ports of the free version to other platforms. Playing Cave Story on my GP2X was awesome, and now I'll never get to play it on Pandora or N900 or whatever else. *sheds a single tear* Still looking forward to this though. Should be great.

@Reicheru: Xeriel has a point. Unless there is a more advanced dermatological simulator available, their claims are technically correct. More to the point though, if you're in the games part of the App Store and you find something called Zits and Giggles claiming to be an advanced dermatological simulator, you have to

@firemunkie: I've seen prices like that at Gamestop too, but never new games. Used new releases are always new price minus $5. If I wait a year to pick up a game, I can get it cheaper. Hell, I picked up NHL07 last summer for $5. But during the new release phase, I can save around $15 off the Gamestop used price by

@firemunkie: I have. The kind of people who play games religiously and will play their new game in 12+ hour sittings tend to finish them quickly and move on. That said, used copies of new titles are usually only $5 cheaper, so I tend to "splurge" on a new copy if it's still pretty new. Gamestop is kind of a ripoff

@Nevest356: if everyone bought the game used? how is that supposed to work? does the publisher just give away a bunch of copies and then afterwards all those people sell them? this isn't like piracy, genius. someone bought those copies to begin with, and they can sell them if they want.

@Cool Frood: I use Nimbuzz on my Nokia E71 and it does Facebook, GTalk, MSN, etc. There's an Android version available, too. I'm not sure if it's the best IM app on Android, but I like it well enough on S60 that I'd say it's worth a look at a minimum.

@OhNoItsGojira: I'm sure that by making the jump to HD, this game will have the angstiest protagonist in FF history. The 360 version will be inferior, of course, because it will take all of the Cell's SPUs to properly handle all of that angst. That tortured, loner soul just can't be fully captured with a mere 3

@ShaughnTr0n: Did you try Google? Seriously. I plugged "darwinia+" into Google and got the developer's page, with a trailer and info, an IGN page, and the game's Wikipedia entry in the first three results. THEMISSING is right, you didn't try hard enough. Or at all, really.

@Sloopydrew: I was on the fence about hacking my Wii until I read about Nintendo's WiiWare policy. I've got a ton of Wii games on disc, and I've bought XBLA games (no problem transferring those to my new 360, either), but there's no way I'm going to buy games that die with my hardware.