Ash’s balls will finally get to drop, hopeful that maybe he would be allowed to grow into a teenager or young adult if he reappears in any of the media.
Ash’s balls will finally get to drop, hopeful that maybe he would be allowed to grow into a teenager or young adult if he reappears in any of the media.
Well said. I would queue up the old man yells at a cloud meme, but i be curious if i could ask an AI to whip up a fresh one vs the old Simpsons meme.
Ever wish there was a Hide Article Button on Kotaku? Like on YouTube Subscription Feeds or Reddit hide... Oh the joy it would bring. Maybe someone can build an add-on so I can filter out content like this. Also mostly just jelly that I don’t have 70,000 bucks.
Thank you for saying this, the hot take is just awful. Its a fictional world, key word is fiction. You can sway any direction you want, but at the end its all make believe.
I just don’t care, the bag of Fs has long been emptied, there are no Fs left to give. Are QC testers considered Blue Collar or White Collar jobs or someplace in-between?
Had it survived I would have assumed it would have been similar to Scorn (i’m using the body horror aspect to build parallels to a giant flesh pit) and would have suffered in dev hell and taken 10 years for 5 hours of gameplay. For the best and I’m glad I know about the PBS and the Mystery Flesh Pit National Park
I’m not seeing this look like a flag?
Xenoblade 3 was overrated, Game was a solid 7 out of 10. Though for Switch could be a GOTY for sure.
Pretty sure it fair use, also I don’t care.
I also hate Facebook as much as the next person and I am glad that the commenters are not the ones in control of any company. This is a business realigning themselves to save money. Same goes for Twitter. Bottom line. If an engineering company who worked in Civil Design suddenly cut it workforce by 30% would anyone…
Had i known, i would have “totally” organized a counter drone fleet to protest Candy Crush. I’d would out of respect limit the protest to when they showed the logo and fly a huge eggplant emoji in front of it. I wonder if anyone actually done such a thing... Trolled a drone flight.
That is some grade SS+ tier trolling.
Well i cannot unsee that article thumbnail.
I can honestly say I do not care.
I though we got to around >75% of the total National Pokedex into the latest games Sword/Shield/Arceus. I can only hope that new game will include all those and gradually add more till we have 100%.
Here a good one “and nothing of value was lost”, the greys are the best part of the comments. It’s unfortunate that you cannot see the value of a good shit post.
It is somewhat click batie, though Joel Haver has mentioned before that he is well aware of the algorithm of youtube recommendations. He has been struggling with other content that not the rotoscope computer magic. He more than likely chose the click bate title to again drive YT recommendations to his content. I would…
I think its a good idea for the removal but still a bit on the fence with the alternative. I assume a 9 week battlepass to gather all the collectables/skins. The Fomo factor of after the 9 weeks if i don’t get everything. Will this “battlepass” allow me to stock pile and get everything at my own rate of play or will I…
Did anyone else think that the small “crumb” on the breast of the Devil in the screenshot was a nipple at a quick glance, in a dark room, with low contrast/brightness on the monitor? No?
He has a butthole for a chin, i hope he grows a beard like in game...