Pretty sure we should still have some form of border patrol, immigration enforcement, and giant robots that replace a TSA agent. Let’s figure all that out after we figure out how to reform immigration policy in the US... oh..
Pretty sure we should still have some form of border patrol, immigration enforcement, and giant robots that replace a TSA agent. Let’s figure all that out after we figure out how to reform immigration policy in the US... oh..
Replied to fast, do they still teach Civics in Middle School/High School?
Pretty sure it was in the “I”m a felon now” package she was given in prison. Wait they don’t do that? Also, high school Civics prob covered it...wait.
TL;DR Anyone? I read poorly and only slightly interested in the topic. But would like to know the opinion reason why :)
Love the title ;)
The DLC will reveal they are Trans twice removed Cis albino non-conforming buzzword purple monkey dishwasher.
Coincidentally, I googled these near exact titles.
I honestly had to look up Eritrean
What i like to know is who that guy is right above the flower in the photo. Seemed to be out of place.
Interesting for sure, the Like to dislike ratio needs to crack that 100k barrier and hope someone is listening.
I eagerly await the swords and dongs mod.
Except, of course, actual laws. Pretty sure you don’t put kids in holding/jail. Which is why there a foster system in place or in other cases a hollowed out shell of a walmart.
love it x2
Thank You, I knew there some sort of spin on the “blog post”. Be careful with how you use the J word around these parts.
But what kind of donuts was he offering? I don’t budge for anything less than Chocolate Glazed with Jimmies on top.
I wonder if someone made a PUBG map in Skylines yet? Poor poor PUBG...
Is there a TL;DR summary. I tried to read it but it pretty much one of those mega articles that pop up from time to time on Kotaku.
Its just a game who cares...
We need more like you out there in the land of Kinja comments.
So, in the end, did we find that the 123+ were indeed undocumented illegal migrant workers type folks or were they all nabbed on suspicion and the tax evasion?