
I had no idea this was coming nor that it was a release on the PSP (a remake). Rare to have a real game and not a gacha game. What is it official classification? A remake? a remaster? a direct port of the PS1? And did the mobile version add anything to the PSP one?

there are a few solutions workarounds to the stuck in the Greys, a few plugins exist in chrome that basically displays all the posts along with some other improvements. Now if only a plug in existed that could add a hide button Kinja for articles. Even if my post is hidden i can still read everything.

This is quite unfortunate, my heart goes out to him and his family. By best friend was also diagnosed with a stomach cancer a few years ago around the same age he was. Even if you beat it, it can come back.

You should try it sometime, its quite enjoyable being an anonymous a-hole on the internet. You find it very liberating from the daily grind of volunteering at soup kitchens, fighting for equal rights and immigration reform, and posting on twitter how much support you’re giving for the Cancer research and the MeToo

I know right? Multiple times a year, I think we might need to get him checked out by an internet doctor.

He brings up a valid point thou, I need context to douchebaggery before I pass judgment and brand him a Weinstein.

Is there a term or name for that weird turkey neck that males in their late 20s start to develop. (I hope its not turkey neck or double chin...) Not everyone is affected by it but it seems prevalent in a large portion of the US.

True, in reality, we should have also checked her immigration status, blood type and ask her to complete a brief survey after her arrest.

I think that a bit extreme, he probably should have just held her down by sitting on her and deploying a taser out to ensure public safety in the off chance she continued to pose a public safety risk or resisted arrest. The big issue here was the nip slip :o 

Thank you for the reply! It helps with to get a perspective. It is difficult when people present an opinion but don’t provide a solution. Also i’m only partly reading the conversation threads as kinja is shit (thank got for Kinja plugins)

Could you please tell me how you would have handled this situation? You see a woman jump the turnstile, she does not stop after you command her to stop. What do you do?

The article also made it sound like the Taz0rz was used

That tower has a butthole...

What the fudge is a Rashomon and why should I care about any of this?


I can only imagine the men involved were also avid bikers around 5 foot 4 and around 120 pounds. Its a tragedy for sure all jokes aside. They also had bikes which could have very well been used as shields. Though you can chalk it up to the heat of the moment.

Neat Site

FYI its totally plastic from what I’ve read.

FYI its totally plastic from what I’ve read.

Pretty sure the article linked that federal warrants do not need to be presented till “after the arrest”. Am I missing something here? Seriously just trying to understand -_-

It is just as the prophecy foretold, “Wait 6 months and yee shall have stock”, praise be to Iwata.

It is just as the prophecy foretold, “Wait 6 months and yee shall have stock”, praise be to Iwata.