
tl;dr: Electric cars are great for different reasons than gas cars are great but are still very much a new technology with all the downside that comes with and I found the hardest part of not having engine noise was speeding.

Just wish it would actually change something. Too much money and power in the status-quo and not enough outrage and action from people like us that arent living under this nightmare.

Battery degredation in the LEAFs seem to be very heavily dependent on average temps where you live. The hotter it gets in the summer the worse the degredation. Supposedly some of the later battery issues was related to some sort of software issue, but it’s still a pretty big gamble IMO.

Seems to be though few other cars outside of Tesla’s have the numbers or the history to really get a good curve, which means we’re still in unknown territory.

But what about long term. I had the ClearBra stuff installed on my 05 when new, and now its in rough shape, but I cant find a good way to remove the stuff without damaging the paint in the process, it does not want to peel off. I loved the stuff, but that 10 year warranty is about all it’s actually good for. After 13

Came specifically to add this, glad to see them sitting at the top of the list. Like the original Jeep these were basically military trucks with civilian clothes, (and the only other 4WD vehicle you buy from the factory in 1946) it shows too. The transfer case mounting bolts are lock-wired. The drive-shaft bolts use lo

But if you take advantage of the weight and space savings to then throw a mild hybrid at this thing, you might buy yourself some pretty significant mpg improvements.

The beauty of the world is its diversity. While I wouldnt spend 9k on this either, I had a Shadow ES V6 for years, it was the first car I ever bought on my own, and it was stupidly reliable (even with the 4-speed auto) for decades, only dying because driver error in the form of an accident. So I have a soft spot for

I think youre right, then make a Caddy pickup too. We’ll all hate it and make fun of it but as long as it’s got a bed people think they’re going to haul mulch in (once they remove the factory cover), it will probably do amazingly well, unlike the old Lincoln pickup where the bed was basically a big trunk complete

Neutral: This is the big issue with electric cars. Battery range is like battery life on your phone, dependent on a lot of variables.

On one hand I like Tesla because they are an engineering driven company, but that’s not a good thing in situations like this. There was a great article (which I can’t seem to track down) that discusses that we [engineers] tend to be logical and system focused. So for Elon and others this is a failure of the person to

No, but it’s expected today that sales people at minimum exaggerate the truth, that’s their job, and ultimately he-said/she-said. The sales person could have been very clear and she heard what she wanted to hear, or they could have outright lied, unless you recorded it or they had provided it via some medium that can

The standard Titan is a bit smaller than the Titan XD, which is sort of a “five-eighths-ton truck” that fits between the usual half-ton and three-quarters-ton classes.

I thought the skateboard basically showed that a bespoke EV platform could much more easily become the basis for a whole series of vehicles than we currently do with ICE cars (and we do a lot of platform sharing on those already). Doing that base once and doing it well should yield long term dividends if you are

I’ve never had an issue using the CHaDeMo charger at any of the Nissan dealerships around me. Usually the level 2 charger(s) are free too but not my first choice. I’m sure there are bad actors, but usually the worst I have to deal with is a customer or maintenance car parked in front of the charger, but many have

Except GM has done little to nothing for supporting the ability to do fast charging. I’m not the biggest fan of Tesla, but they deserve credit for doing the charging side right.

By yourself or with other people? Last time the wife (then GF) and I flew together I put my number in and both of our tickets showed it.

Sure, dont know a flying machine thats quiet (other than a glider, even balloons are loud when the burner is firing), but those are solvable problems. With specific takeoff and landing locations ground noise can be dealt with some site design and placement. Design of the props, sound proofing of the car, and active

None of the vehicles I own are so perfect that I personally have a problem with people touching them and stuff, but you definitely need to ask. Michael and others who don’t see a problem with touching sound like people who’ve never either spent hundreds of hours or 10's-of-thousands of dollars having someone else put

Yea, I see no way thats possible, even without shielding since its not manned, it would either have to be huge, which would make it easy to find, or crazy slow, which would make it easy to stop. It essentially has to be like Pluto, which is really scary if they ever get to “live testing.