Desond Alfred

Cagayan is the best season since Heroes V Villains you dumbass. As far as this season is concerned, I enjoyed every episode pre jury because they were entertaining and strategic. I was unhappy however that all the big players and characters were exiting, leaving us with a post season full of players I don't even

I didn't watch all of tis, because that 2nd guy is annoying, but I just have to correct him on one thing. When Bran touches the tree,. he's going there at his own will, and he can leave at his own will. What the 3 eyed Raven did to him was different. He took control of Bran's body to upload a bunch of information.

There were six Bolton soldiers but only five were killed fighting Brienne. The one holding the dogs escaped. I'm assuming he ran away with the dogs.

You better hope he is, or this show officially loses everyone's respect.