
Because its a hot topic right now, probably at its pinnacle before being destroyed by its rabid fans. I love this series, I was screaming about it since episode 1, but it seems we’ve attracted the worse kind of people and now I’m like “Yeah, I like rick and morty” versus “I FUCKING LOVE THIS FUCKING SHOW”

Catch up on wait what? I, fuck is wrong with you? Just watch shit that is good.

Been team Bowser since Super Mario RPG

Millions of people also voted for Trump.

Nintendo was close to failing not that long ago.

I bought mine, however I’m thinking if I sell it, I can buy two. One to open and play and mod, and one to keep as a collectors item. Now that is more tempting to me than just having the one.

Top 5? No, what he said still holds true. Personally? SMRPG still reigns supreme as the greatest RPG on the SNES. The right balance of everything. Secrets/Combat/RPG/Characters/Story, then Legend of Zelda. The rest really don’t matter much.

All time master piece - read - ignorant beliefs that have no real merit outside of idiotic fandom. SMRPG and Legend of Zelda are #1 and 2.

I always double lock cars, its natural to me. I was feeling really ill that day and wanted to sleep so I double locked it.

My video game addiction is too strong to get into anything else.

Had a guy open his car door into my wifes brand new honda, enough so to set off the alarm (I was sitting in the car and felt/heard it) and dude threw a fucking fit saying he didn’t do it, calling me a drug addict and that I’m trying to shake him down for money.

I mean, really? Because you have to throw a twat about your kids not getting to see a movie and fuck over everyone elses ability to see a movie in an intended format? Your humor isn’t the humor level of every other person who views films.

Deal with it. Either you change your morals so your kids see shit, or you go

Xbox One is literally the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever purchased, its gutted forced DRM still present and completely fucking broken has made the entire experience fucking terrible.

PS4 has its faults, but good fucking god the One is a far cry from the 360.

I don’t feel guilt, but I know in a capitalist society if I want to see more of something, I have to vote with money.

I see you haven’t played D2 recently..

end of an era : (

Can we play as a Krogan in this ME?

Probably won’t see this, but that was incredibly well put.

It was dated the day it came out...

And nobody noticed you.