
Counter Point: What better way to educate people on the horrors of the Holocaust then through something that is fun and engaging? Of course people are going to have to pay. That is just a capitalist society for you after all (Remember, we won, we need to remind these people that we won) and then we throw every single


The DATA on games are slowly being erased, even in optimal conditions it won’t retain the information forever. I’ve accepted my collection will at some point become worthless because of this, but to me its priceless. I have a few unopened beauties :)

No, that’s the point of Munchkin, its in the rules!

No, that’s the point of Munchkin, its in the rules!

You put diablo 3 (lol) over diablo 2. There is clearly something very fucking wrong with you.

This isn’t a sad note man, one of the shitty things about MMO’s it that they don’t have an “end”, this is another chapter in this mans life that he gets to close, like a really good story.

The movie looks amazing. Take your hate parade and march it back to Trump Town.

How much would it cost without LEDs? I don’t care about glowy eyes, I care about that beautiful masterpiece.

No, I’m going to go with bi/gay individuals with a lack of social skills and potential narcissism. The above posts (in the article) clearly point to all 3 of these being more than accurate.

Yeah but having them all on a box available whenever is still incredibly sexy.

Hot German ones tailpipe would be full of smut.

Bird Eating and Trap door spiders aren’t exactly deadly....especially nowhere near the funnel fact...

If you have a hook dug into someone and you fall...I’m pretty sure that hook either rips them open and kills them, or they’re pulled with you. I’m just saying.

Just so you know, in the star wars universe, Sith are the good guys. Jedi are the scum destabilizing the universe.

Right? How long before Gary dies too?

How so? Instead of wishing for a racist piece of shit to die, you guys want all blacks and mexicans to die or get the fuck out of “your” country. We just want the person doing the most damage to die =)

Not really, just picture the supporters of trump as jews and boom, hitlers on board.

“We did it”, No. You did it. You don’t speak for me. When things are adamantly against my core beliefs you get a go fuck yourself and a fuck you.

First time I saw Crabs Adjust Humidity I thought it was a licensed expansion from CAH

Enemies don’t charge while her matrix is up fyi