
But I like his articles though. I thought I was doing my part as a critic. Did I do bad? :(

My favorite part of these, are when you include your own terrible tweets. I like your articles Jason, but funny you are not. Stop trying to force it.

Super Gaben 3

No a female vote is half that of a mans.

Uh, it's not a chemical imbalance, its a receptor imbalance and SSRI stop 5HT (Serotonin) from being taken up by pre synpatic receptors which as a result causing more 5HT to be present for the post synaptic receptor. As a result more receptors are inserted into the post synaptic causing it to respond more to 5HT

I’ve raged more over the load screen when trying to handle the god damn window for the blood rock than the actual game. I’m just saying.

Cause that's a white person thing mirite?

People wouldn’t have to dupe if the fucking load times weren’t a minute long.

All I can think is “Shes gonna get gangbanged”

Numerous cases of children being taken on first call from social services. IT happens a lot. Google. Go ahead. I dare you.

I grew a beard because my wife loved my facial hair. I'm sorry it coincides with something you seem aptly familiar with.

Have a degree in Neuroscience, and going to graduate school. What have you accomplished?

My beard is 2 years old, how the fuck is that hipster status?

No point in saying fuck the police, it's more like fuck the pieces of shit that offer nothing to society and cause more fucking harm then good. Fuck useless pieces of shit that benefit society in no way is more like it. Thanks.

It's not hip to hate "the" man, it's fucking self respect and no god damn need to be cuffed in the first fucking place. If the cops are so god damn afraid of being killed maybe they should be trained better, or maybe they should choose a profession that better suits a fucking coward.

No. You pigs are nothing but revenue generators out to kill innocent people in an attempt to protect your own worthless lives because the majority of you are on some superiority kick that you matter more because you're in a position of authority. The reality is, you're just a fucking worthless shell of a human with no

No shit? Well fuck my ass and call me Susan. That's actually pretty legit.

I didn't realize that was a girl until I saw the skirt, or is Persona a coming of age story with crossdressing?

You choose to be a cop, you're signing up to be shot and killed. You don't get to take measures to protect yourself in that way when active military show more fucking restraint than you pieces of shit.

Go kill yourself you worthless advent of society that does nothing to actively protect.

Or you could not be a fucking slave and obey your master. Their job is to fucking serve, not to enslave.