
That's the problem. They're ready to do that.

Fucking handcuff my nuts, fuck you piece of shit cops saying its protocol to handcuff someone. Fuck that shit. Wanna know why people resist? Because nobody wants to be fucking handcuffed.

They might be buggy, but they're some of the best god damn games out there.

Yeah, way better with mortal kombat theme. Ugh, so fucking good.

If I can make you cum with it, you should suck it. Dems da rewls.

"Well fuck them, we're making a new Zelda, that's our system seller, we'll just delay the fucking game and ignore the wii u like we did virtual boy. GG early adopters, GG."

I'm all for stacking odds in my favor, but the boss not being able to attack at all is a bit much lol

All I can think is "You know you could perm a game, right? You just lost those SoJ's noob"

Also, how does it feel to have known that I as a 12 year old had over 40 SoJs? lol

Well the chick they got playing Cerci already looks way better.

I ignored every point you had to make to tell you you're wrong. You're so very very fucking wrong. The only, ONLY DOCTOR, THE ONLY FUCKING DOCTOR IS TENANT, DO YOU HEAR ME?

Every review I've heard has said Dark Souls 2 is easier than DeS and DkS on that note. Bloodborne isn't hard. After playing it, its all aggressive all dodge. No defensive, no block, just attack attack attack. Meh.

They said I could farm anything, so I farmed the 7 dragon balls! I'm still farming.

They told me I could farm anything, so I farmed 7 dragon balls. I'm still farming 7 dragon balls.

I'm familiar with the lore, plenty of lore sites out there that condense all the bullshit. The point is, it literally reads like this: We're a company that has focused on white and male heroes. We have reached infamous levels of fame with our marvel movies, we have only added a few female heroes and heroes of

I'm not even a comic book reader. The point is, when trying to create diversity going the route of such a heavy handed over the top approach is more satirical than it is literal.

Just curious, why make it so painstakingly so? There is catering to an audience, and then there is hitting every fucking spot on the board with homing darts that practically creates satire because you've tried too hard.

That feel when Demon Souls and Dark Souls was easier.

Uh what? Dark Souls 1 and Demon Souls are insanely easy in comparison to this game. Took me a full fucking day to get to the first boss and I've yet to down him. Yet I snored through Dark Souls 1 and licked my wounds through Demon Souls.

Well I now own bloodborne, thanks a lot asshole. I was all like "I'll wait til its $45, I can wait that long" "Oh look! If I was to buy it it'd be $65 because of tax! But if I pay 65 its really like 45! Cause of the $20 psn code! WELP GUESS IM BUYING"


Well I now own bloodborne, thanks a lot asshole. I was all like "I'll wait til its $45, I can wait that long" "Oh

I have a PC yet I prefer consoles. IDK Why.