
Are maybe it's because its so ingrained this is how things are supposed to function its why people expect it to function that way?

I'm 26.

This doesn't bother me at all. I'm confused.

I'm gonna stop you right there and say Trigun shits on Cowboy Bebop.

Zelda didn't make me give a fuck about anime, Dragonball made me give a fuck about anime.

I'm willing to bet real money that Fahey here was looking up MLP fan fiction.

such a good game

I'm sorry but naming your main character Thora is just...I don't even.

Movie was so god damn good it made me read the book. One of the few books I've read since turning 18. Actually its 1 of 3 books I've read in 8 years. The other two I didn't finish.

Considering I owe 11 grand for my undergraduate, I would gladly move to kansas (my wife owes 43k...I wonder if we'd get a total of 30k...for both of us moving?) if they have a good graduate program for neuroscience.

I don't think you could pay me enough to live in Detroit...

y nut boff

video games books masturbation killing animals plenty of outlets

For all we know Link is just a title given to little blonde boys with fairies.

What the internet has shown me about bullying:

People kill themselves over words on a screen.

Consider me baffled by such an existence.

That's just it though, AC1 had the perfect amount of story to keep it mysterious and yet assassin like. The collection shit I did hate, however in AC2 it was all this story and it felt like a complete flip on what was done with AC1, at that point they just wanted to cash in on it and started changing all the elements

It took me about a month playing non stop (literally game after game after game after game for 8-12 hours) over summer a couple years ago to get level 30.

My alt account (so I can practice in ranked without freaking out about ELO hell/etc) is only 25 and I've had it for 2-3 years. That 1 to 30 grind is insanely long.

Is that his ripped up cape in his hands? Or did superman just murder the fuck out of someone?

My favorite is still Urgot to be kidding me. /schoolgirlaugh

You think so? Then take the universe and grind it down to the finest power and sieve it through the finest sieve and then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy. And yet, and yet you act as if there is some ideal order in the world, as if there is some...some rightness in the universe by which it may be