
Not anymore you're not! WELCOME TO THE UNIGNORED!


Map pings are not a strategy. I agree HoTS is incredibly simple in comparison to LoL and DoTA but its a MOBA, you need to communicate to win. Or you're being carried.

They do, it's called being grey. NOBODY PAYS ATTENTION TO THE GREYS.

Communication is key. A mute all button is fucking stupid.

Full exclusives aren't dumb, they drive the console wars that get us as gamers better content. If it wasn't for exclusives, what's the fucking point of two systems? Protip: There isn't one.

That said, timed exclusives are fucking dumb. YOU ACCOMPLISH NOTHING. NOTHINGGGGGGG

Look, if they can make a fucking drum that doesn't break in a year because of that stupid fucking red pad, then I'll be happy, but I aint buying another fucking drum unless I know they fixed that fucking shoddy shit.

Poison is a transsexual, god dammit.

The movie was fucking terrible. On all levels, it was literally the worse fucking seth rogen film I have seen and I really like Seth Rogen. I blame this on Danny Mcshitfuck.

I don't scrub, or even use a washcloth on my body. I simply jump in the shower and let it run down me for 15-20 minutes, I rarely even use soap besides on my gentiles or armpits. I have borderline perfect skin complexion, amazingly soft hands, and no skin issues besides dandruff with my beard which is borderline

Fuck this cunt. Be a god damn useful father and play with your fucking children and take a god damn fucking interest in their fucking hobbies you fucking piece of cuntastic shit. You're a terrible father, go fuck yourself.

The better solution is, to be a yelper you must wear a body camera like police are being forced to. Yelper Accountability beotch.

Well I'm safe for now until they release Singed and Wukong.

Not really, I don't surround myself with fucking retards. I can't escape them on the internet though.

Not quite 360 no scope, more like 60-70 degrees, but still impressive.

50 cups, 1 student. Will they survive? Tune in next week while we visit them in the hospital!

Well fucking played sir.

Are you fucking retarded? Yes, yes you are.

As it stands, about 15k is your average currently for a token from someone outside of game doing illegal shit technically. As a result with more competitors and more people being legalized to buy gold it'll push it closer to 10k, where a competitive market will see it driven

I think it has gotten better. Besides Tory, I didn't care for the other two. Personally I wish they returned back to their "adult" roots and stopped making it for children. =(