
Incidentally, this is also how you pray the gay away.

female driven/all female cast. THERE WAS A SLASH GOD FUCKING DAMMIT. Also, to be fair, they're all bitches. SO the slash was unnecessary. Regardless. THE BATTLE SYSTEM SUCKED. The Tales Series knows what a battle system should be.

I was talking about 13, but 10-2 is also my shittier list. Its nowhere near as good as X

You are a kind individual. Danke.

You must be 13 then, get the fuck over it. I was annoyed by an all female cast or female driven final fantasy, I played it and hated it for its crappy story and craptastic gameplay. In short, get over it. Women aren't there to be eyecandy, and not every fucking game needs to play to heteronorms. The end.

I bet you loved ffx13 because it was a "good game" right? wink wink nudge nudge

No, the individual in question is slvc who said > "This shit is fun to watch" Implying there is a stream.

Are you the bot? Or just bad at piecing shit together?

The original game was fucking amazing, you shut your fucking fat face you fucktwat! You will not write the original out of cannon. NO.

Yes but the way the individual wrote it, its as if a stream was already occurring which I see nothing indicating a stream of any sort. That said I did vote for Germany.

I'm confused, I can't find an actual video link

Richard Dawkins says fuck all the time. He has a fucking doctorates. That's like as professional as it gets.

I'm still convinced that Termina = Lowrule

You're so funny. No, not really.

Honestly not a troll, just a callous asshole who thinks its funny to say "They're abusive, but it's ok"

FFS, its not like its hard to walk away. You got legs bitch, use em.

Not my fault she enjoyed being abused, I mean why else would you stay with them?

My wifes dress was $200 and it looked absolutely fan fucking tastic. Also, it was a short ruffled, without that stupid draping bullshit that demands being stepped on and ripped. So, servers her right is what I'm saying.

Not even judging, just think its funny that people stay in abusive relationships if there isn't something about it they enjoy. Maybe you enjoyed being forced to abort, I'm not here to judge, just to observe with narrative.

My wife and I can totally relate to that. We had a very small wedding in which her dad was to put it mildly, an ass to my wife. But he paid for alcohol and the reception so we can't complain too much. We've talked about doing a vow renewal in the future as a 25th or something, but we'd both prefer a vacation over

First off, whore.

Secondly, you can't call him a smotherer if you were a whore. He had a right to be insecure, because you're a fucking whore.

Also, he fucking paid for it, and you wanted to enjoy his time and money while you're a whore, and wanted to be a bigger whore and enjoy someone elses money despite being a

I get that he might of been an abusive douche, but you don't get to keep the ring after you break it off. Dafuq is wrong with you.