
All terrible fucking reasons, holy shit. Friend could just text, fuck the family, and seriously job interviews? God damn, your voice mail kind make me sick, voice mail is a gigantic fucking inconvenience. Fuck that shit. Nothing is important enough to deal with that shit.

18 people caught the joke. How does it feel to be a failure at everything in life?

This article is bad, and you should feel bad.

Futurama is the only acceptable apocalypse.

You don't know gamer rage until you MOBA.

I love how satire is easily misread by idiots who do double AD carry bot.

Dude, the ninja turtles are aliens, the mutagen was from an alien fucking dimension, that technically makes them aliens. -.-

Well if you didn't fucking suck, and didn't call mid as tryndamere, this wouldn't be a fucking problem.

Well, actually it makes sense given the female empowerment at the time, and the female struggle that exists in today's comic society. It actually makes a lot of sense.

That's because shes a girl. The reason why she is in the top raiding guild, not her stupidity.

It was pretty fucking easy to skip final fantasy 13 considering they all sucked.

Hey now, some people just enjoy saying fuck, its an expressive word that just feels fucking good to say. Saying fuck doesn't denote you as lacking in intelligence, nor does it actually say much of fucking anything. It's just a fucking word, get the fuck over it, jesus fucking christ, are you fucking sensitive or

Gotta Crunch em' all

They do compete, in the sense of form fitting, easy to access, plug and play and no worrying about upgrading hardware. A console is supposed to be an efficient mixture of easy to access and high quality graphics allowing for a user to play games without worrying about drivers, upgrades, software malfunctions, viruses,

I can't be the only person fucking disgustingly sick of that cunt companion, am I? I haven't been this disgusted since Rose. I begged and pleaded for it to be Parkins, two ornery old men traveling the universe together? FUCK YEAH! But no...fucking dick tease. FUCKING DICK TEASE.

You know when I saw this headline all I could think was "PLEASE DON'T BE THAT UTOPIA, PLEASE DON'T BE THAT UTOPIA" Why is it every time I find a underground fantastic amazing piece of artwork it gets fucking cancelled. Meanwhile we get spoon fed constant shit like super natural that stopped being good after season 3?

My fiance and I started watching it, and it was fucking fantastic. GOD DAMN YOU HBO FOR CAUSING THIS! Ugh its soooo fucking good.

What makes a xbox different from the xbox 360? Besides achievements and the smaller functions like a graphical UI. It was the graphics wasn't it? Better memory meant more details, more stuff could be introduced, etc.

That's why the graphics debate exists right now, its the transitional period between old and current

I'm friends with Mikeh! I power leveled his WD on SC :)

Nope. Judgement comes after action. I'm like the court, bitch.

No, no no! It's 60 GB's for that linear walkway and lack of any kind of free roaming.