
A clearer more precise image is actually measurable in eye strain as well as other quantifiable constructs that make it well worth pursuing, this comes from someone with an actual beard.

As a PC Gamer...well done.

Yes, but you see, its more relevant now.

Except you miss the point of hyperbole for the sake of humor.

I can't wait to pay 75 dollars for something my thumb would break. It'd be like paying 800 dollars for an iphone that bends.

Well Game Sharks did have a way of actually killing the system...

Each kid is different, but yeah, if I think they're mature enough to enjoy some of the nature of the humor I would share it with them. Same as I would watch R movies with them and play mature video games with them.

I don't think I'd share rick and morty with my kids until they were 10 or 11. Adventure time, def though.

What are you talking about? There are plenty of fantastic cartoons still on today, the new TNMT is fantastic. A lot of our 90's cartoons fucking sucked. Anamaniacs, pinky and the brain, Johnny Quest, old Iron Man cartoons were probably some of the best. Transformers were always hit and miss, beast wars was amazing at

I plan on having kids some day, the idea of not being able to plop down on the floor with them and watch cartoons saturday morning depresses me more than I care to admit. But then I know I have streaming, but fuck all for having to actually plan my own schedule and shit.

Google search says its still broken, and honestly, the game isn't worth my time. I played a bit of it, saw how broken it was and as a result I wont buy the piece of shit. Even fallout new vegas wans't that fucking bad at launch.

You're not going to change very many minds because ultimately, we pretty much don't give a fuck. We like titties, we want titties, we get titties. Welcome to the world.

I meant publisher. :( Words are hard to come by early in the morning. Although developers are dependent upon bait and switch techniques too.

I'm dealing with that currently. Our complex was just bought out. Waiting for the inevitable rent increase and shitty replacements :(

Yeah, my apartment is one of the cheapest in the area, right next to my university, in a nice neighborhood butttt its right next to a church. Every's like full on blast in our room with holy music, worse part? I'm an atheist. Nonetheless, for the price, the convenience and the fact that the staff here are

Welcome to the age of technology, this is the new meta, either adapt or get the fuck out, because you've already lost.

We no longer live in an era where we can be held down by the tyrannical developers and their oppressive bait and switch techniques only to be swindled out of our hard earned money. They fight back with

That is why you just pirate the game. It's my method for testing a game. Like I really wanted Dead Rising 3, and after playing it on PC, I can say that game is one of the biggest failures to be called a PC game. Meanwhile, I've bought indie games like Van Helsing, and triple A games like Borderlands 2 because of

That's why you try before you buy. Sometimes even beat it before buying it.

Or, you choose to use your brain and find a decent apartment. On that note, there is no perfect apartment. Just one that meets the goldilock zone of price to crap you're willing to deal with.