
That isn't the irony here.

I bet you shit yourself any time someone jokes about 9/11.

Pro gamer? Shows how well game skills translate to real life.

Because it's an MMO. They're separate from the actual franchise that initiated the game content. Plus the content is barred, reorganized, and tossed aside at any notice dismantling it from being congruently cannon.

You don't have to take a drug for something to be a placebo. It's an environmental cue that makes your body react unknowningly to allow for a specific reaction without anything actually having changed.

I got to the end after 90 hours, and just said fuck it. I still haven't seen the ending, the story was so bad that after I did all the other stuff in the game, I stopped giving a fuck.

Because it is an MMO, Final Fantasy started off as a single player game. Just like World of Warcraft isn't a part of the Warcraft series.

I wasn't sure of the proper way to phrase that statement, does at 10 imply 10 was bad? If so I meant after. Now that I think about it, I think it is after to make the correct statement.

You shouldn't consider MMO's to be a part of the franchise. Or at least I consider them separate entities.

I explained to another person how I feel about 12, there is a clear change in quality from 10 to 12 that makes me cut off at 10.

12 wasn't a final fantasy game anymore. Also, the plot was terrible and so were the characters. HOWEVER! It's RPG elements, it's weapon system, monster system, bounty hunting, etc while all incredibly grindy, were actually fantastic.

Final Fantasy...because it stopped being good after 10.

When a company ends up porting, remaking, and spending almost all of its time focusing on games from the past, it really implies they've gone to shit. Tiduss was the first time such a weak character was really portrayed. It was nice to see that transformation as

No, it was actually a preorder bonus. As in, it was only given to people who preordered, it was a gamestop exclusive I think.

Its worth 35-40 bucks unopened. Pretty good for just an add on item from a preorder.

No, it didn't change the way I felt playing in the game. This extra digital crap is retarded, period.

Fucking exactly. Let's not forget, we are fucking nerds in one form or another, a lot of us love collectibles, because they're manifestations of the games we love. That is why the only time I can ever excuse dropping 60 bucks on a game like that. While I realize, I could probably just buy it off ebay, it's not the

Ninja Gaiden was one games I never got pissed off at, I actually got pissed off at games like Banjo Kazooie as a kid. The easier the game was, the more frustrated I would become when it didn't go smoothly. So games like Dark Souls, Ninja Gaiden, DMC they actually don't upset me o.o

The only games I preorder actually give PHSYICAL collectible goods? I'm the problem for a variety of other reasons, mostly the pirating kind.

The only fucking time I will preorder something is if it gives a physical item. For example, Resident Evil 5 gave a fucking snowglobe when you preordered. That is something unique, something specifically limited in a physical manifestation to say "I bought this". Extra digital crap? I can live without that.