
Its funny, as I'd argue Book 3 is actually the season struggling to fix and bandage problems — problems that Book 2 brought.
And Book 3 had so many unexplained BS, lazy plot twists (many of which were just recycled plot devices from both Books 1 and 2) but since it actually managed to try its best to recuperate about

I'm with Waffle — Book 1 had a cruddy ending to a pretty intriguing and organic plot idea.
Book 2 went full on Shonen Jump BS with it and Harmonic Convergence basically ruined the entire lore/world that was once beautiful, all because the creators can't be bothered to actually come up with creative reasons for changes

Yup, pretty much. LoK brings the flash, and it brings the same three or four plot devices that get recycled every season, and it doesn't allow its audience to think/feel for themselves, instead taking them on a scripted tour where we are TOLD how to feel and what to think. (pretty much every joke the author of this

For me, it's that LoK tries too hard. It's writing, especially in Book 2 and 3, really forces. Too much, for my tastes, to the point where many moments feel like it's phoning it in so much I am pulled out of the world/characters and lose interest.
It spends much more time TELLING the audience how to feel/think instead

I agree, and have been saying the same thing to peers who've lost interest in the show — I really do think the Avatar Wan episodes and this one are worth slogging through the inconsistency of the other episodes around them this season.

A couple spots were just a LITTLE too "fanservicey" (mainly some of the stuff Iroh said), but this episode gave us all of the things I've been dying for the show to do since BEFORE Book 1 aired.