
If you dont like what they do with Rebecca you would never be able to survive the levels of self destruct they do with the lead female in UnReal. Now that's a character with mental issues.

Drop Dead Diva had some good ones too.

Selfie was so awesome. So tongue in cheek and self aware with adorable characters. The lead female reminds me of Crazy Ex in a way. I was so sad to see it go just as it had got a rhythm.

I think just the fact that she was crying on the phone would have been a tip off to foul play. Daddy Pope knows she hates to show weakness. and hates to admit he is right about anythnig. So saying you were right willingly to a parent lets them know something is up.

I was so disgusted by that scene. She had every right to cut him off. He chose the job. Her son died. She should not be debasing herself asking for forgiveness. Be with him if you want but you do not need to be acting like you did anything wrong at all. Worse yet when he came in it didnt even seem like that was what

hahaha i noticed that too

hahaha, honestly though do they really need a situation board for everything? you are trying to find out who bugged a phone. Not solve a murder. sheesh. Where indeed to they get these high resolution headshots of every client and all their known associates. lol do they pause for a pic on the way out.

Its worse lately. He never used to stress the serial killer tone as much.

hahaha I died laughing through your entire review but this cinched it, "I’ll go blind if I see another fictional gay couple with the sexual chemistry of a mop and bucket. But I still clutched my pearls when “The Last Supper” featured not only gay sex, but gay grudge sex. Equality!" what with the pearl clutching

He's is like a big overgrown puppy, is all. He pees on the furniture and you kick him out the house but when he whimpers you let him back in because how can you be mean to something that loves you that much.