
Good on Leslie for calling out Sephora. I HATE shopping there in-store because nearly every time I’ve gone (especially if I’m with my mother) I either get ignored or treated extremely condescendingly, and it REALLY feels like it has something to do with our skin color. It’d be one thing if this happened once or twice,

Orange Vanilla polar is the best. I can go through a 12 pack of it in a weekend.

When will people learn that this is ALWAYS a bad question to ask women? I am 30, I DO want kids, so does my partner, but ha ha guess what: my lady bits are being an asshole about it. If the wrong person asks me about having kids on the wrong day, I will full on cry in their face. Don’t ask a personal question if you

I met a super geeky, super shy, super HOT dude when I was 18. We hooked up after a beach party, but after we’d boned he started CRYING. Turns out, he was also super RELIGIOUS. I wasn’t just the first girl he’d had sex with, I was the first girl he kissed. We saw each other off and on all summer, thankfully with no

What I thought was just a Burning Man fling is still going almost nine years later. 35 weeks pregnant with our second. Just spent the day at the hospital ruling out preterm later with nothing ready for this baby (yeah, yeah, second child) and today sure felt like a disaster.

I spent a summer in London completing an internship for grad school and was in complete “fuck it” mode. I hooked up with a rando Irish dude one night who told me he was also 23. Next morning i found out he was actually 33 and he tried to recruit me to join his cult. A few weeks later he texted me suggesting I should

Oh yeah the pain from being sewn back up was significantly worse than labor. One of the most indescribably painful experiences I’ve had, though part of it was probably the horror of the uterine massage because I was not contracting and still bleeding heavily. Afterwards I said I did not want hands anywhere in the

It is wild how much hospital policies vary not only state to state but county to county, and terrifying to think about how difficult it can be to find out exactly what those policies are. I feel very lucky to work in Portland. I attended my 75th birth as a doula yesterday and I have only witnessed one episiotomy and

You know after Trump I would have thought I’d never be eager to see a president live tweet their TV viewing ever again, but I’d totally be down for following President Warren live-tweet all of that HBO she watches (we all know how much she loves Ballers!).

Every time I read about Carson, or see him on TV, I end up thinking to myself “Is he REALLY a brain surgeon?........REALLY?” I’m thinking this will always be the case.  

Ugh, I tried so hard to go unmedicated, but after 20 hours of back labor, I tapped the fuck out. I’ll never know if the epidural contributed to my tearing, but I pushed for 3 hours and my kid has a huge head. I had a 4th degree tear. When the lactation consultant explained to me what that exactly meant, 2 days later,

Amazing. Enjoy that time! It goes incredibly fast. Congrats again, wishing you at least 5 hrs of uninterrupted sleep :)

UGH. Fuck that doctor!!! You should have been allowed to labor however the fuck you felt like laboring. This is the other element of the issue, aside from the lack of education women get on their options for labor & delivery. Doctors are just focused on what’s easier for THEM, not what’s best for the mother. I’m sorry

I had them done with both of my daughters’ births. As I mentioned in another post, the doctor that delivered my older daughter forgot to numb me before he started cutting. I was able to free one leg from the stirrup and tried to kick him.

I have had those thrice and yes, it’s painful as hell.

The Failing New York Times (it will pass away when I leave office in 6 years)”

We tend to get more Europeans at that time of year, and I guess if you live in the damp cold, maybe hot and humid is welcome?  And the water is bathtub temp at that time of year, so you have that. :) I tell folks to avoid Aug, Sept, and Oct, as that seems to be when the storms hit and the evacuations happen.

The last two times I flew (both cross country) I was offered $1,000/ticket.  I caught flights 60min and 90min later, totally worth it.

The correct era name is clearly RBatz

I kind of wish I felt that way. Instead, I was resentful as hell that I had to leave my baby and go back to the 40 hour a week time suck that is work and a year and a half in I still feel that way. So many of the tasks talked about in the article are things I don’t mind doing, even if it means my marriage isn’t