
I was born backwards and upside down (butt-first bebbeh!), and the doctor said, “mother and baby are doing fine, heartbeat is strong, no high blood pressure - no reason to do a C-section.” Every single intern and resident at the hospital asked if they could watch, since it was so rare for breech to be delivered

Here to pile on the good vibes. I had a baby that was transverse at 36 weeks and was also asked to schedule a C-section. I did all the spinning babies stuff previously mentioned, went to a chiropractor who specifically understood the Webster Technique and got a pregnancy massage. TADA! Baby was head down by 37 weeks

I just want to say speaking from someone who works in maternity (albeit not in the US), you have options for a breech baby but often vaginal breech delivery if this is your first baby is not a safe one. All obstetricians I have worked with would not do a breech delivery on a first time mom. The reason for this is

Agree, but as a domestic abuse survivor, it’s a little teensy bit triggering.  Gayle has assumed the posture necessary with that type of outburst as though she’s very familiar with that behavior.  

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I had to have a c section with my first. It wasn’t what I had wanted, but it was actually a very calm process in the end, nowhere near as bad as I expected.

If you’re seeing an GP rather than an obstetrician, get thee to an obstetrician. If you are seeing an obstetrician, get a second opinion. If you don’t even trust your current doctor to have your and the baby’s best interests at heart, no wonder you’re terrified.

Be kind to yourself. You ARE mourning the birth you wanted and hoped for, and that’s absolutely okay. Give yourself permission to feel that. Yes, healthy baby and healthy mom are the only metrics that really matter, but it’s okay to recognize that the experience will not be what you had envisioned.

What ever happens, there is no prize for how they get here - just that they are here.

If it’s any consolation, my kiddo didn’t flip head down till week 36 or 37. We had a fairly easy vaginal birth—there’s still time! I was in your shoes and similarly worried. 

Ummmm I’m not sure where you get your information from but you need more than a HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA to become a certified midwife in America. There are years of training involved and midwives can save you and your child in certain circumstances. Cool that you elected to get a c section but chill with telling other

Get in with a qualified midwife  you can turn a baby  doctors aren’t taught how to do this  I’ve seen it done dozens of times  good luck mama all will be fine  

If it makes you feel better, you *will* be OK with whatever happens. I had all kinds of plans and two very different birth experiences, and I ended up OK with both. I feel like labor and delivery kind of prepares you for parenthood— you can go in with all the plans in the world, but chances are the kid is going to

I’m glad it helped! :) Mourning the birth you wanted is a great way to describe it - I definitely had to do that. And knowing I’d feel better once my baby born calmed me a little, but didn’t really help me feel less sad until he was actually born. Hang in there! 

I was able to turn my baby from breech later in the third trimester using a ridiculous sort of upside-down-plank thing (google can explain it better), but I ended up electing for a c-section partway through my unmedicated labor anyway. It was the right choice for me and baby, and I feel good about it. Then again, I

Aw, I wish you good luck with this! My baby turned breech at 35 weeks. I remember the exact moment she turned too. I had hoped for a medication free vaginal birth. I did everything on Spinning Babies as well as moxibustion and acupuncture (though there is limited evidence of it’s effectiveness) on the advice of my

I had an external version with my first child. What your doctor said sounds bizarre. It was not easy for them, it took two male doctors and the weren’t having success until they pushed my daughter up out of my pelvis first, but then they were able to flip her. I was looking at a c-section but was able to deliver

Yes, like they say below, you still have time. Fingers crossed he’ll flip.  

Duckling turned late too, about 4 weeks before birth.

I feel your pain! I also found out at about 35 weeks that my baby was breech. I had been in midwife care at a hospital with a 10% c-section rate and they basically told me that they don’t even attempt vaginal births for breech babies and moved me over to OB care. Similar to you, I was certain that I would have an

I had non-stress testing throughout my third trimester which included twice weekly ultrasounds to measure amniotic fluid. As a bonus, we got to see the baby a lot. And my son flipped from breach to head down (and back again... and again) in the last weeks of my pregnancy. When I went in for delivery, he was head down.