
I'm going to have to stop you right there, smaller Mustang the size of a Porsche? Not. Going. To. Happen.

interesting, Welcome to Jalopnik

retire? 401k?

Sigh... if only I could get uTorrent to work without my cable company throttling the connection to death. I made the switch to "the use of a net" awhile ago and haven't looked back :)

Actually they are aggressively paying down the debit. At the peak they had almost 30B in debit, now they are down to 12B.

My work explores the relationship between acquired software and recycling culture.

I agree, that is exactly why Ford is investing cash; to beef up it's image. They have a steep hill to climb to be sure, but I think Ford still has an opportunity to get Lincoln out of the bland category if they are willing to design from the ground up and not badge engineer.

I have to disagree. Ford has killed Mercury, sold Jag and Land Rover so that leaves Ford with no other luxury nameplate except Lincoln. This means that Ford is putting all it's "luxury" eggs in one basket, risk adverse or not that is a decisive move.

a big boys cracker-jacks! :)


I had that EXACT white Countach poster in my room right above my cassette boom box playing "Walk this way" by Run-DMC. Good times.

PSN is up, welcome to three weeks ago.

Woah, that comment broke the whole page in firefox!

I heard that 360 has multiple discs, so I would personally go for the PS3 to not have to switch them out.

Photoshop Contest! or better yet, shooting challenge!


The pipe is the bomb. Pipe+Gunpowder+Fuse=Explosion. Though I don't see a fuse, perhaps somebody attached it to the exhaust hoping the heat would set it off?

methinks you are missing the point...

I think you are right, in those photos it looks like there is only about the lower 1/3rd of the front windshield in place. Aerodynamics be damned, we need cooling!