
@Paul Y. don't drive too fast.: I'm not so sure, if they were going to add armor it would negate any of the bragged about gas savings with the extra weight. But this is probably not intended for direct combat zones anyway, more like sneak attacks.

That's what I want, a military vehicle that gets great gas mileage and provides no protection for the occupants! Why not just strap a machine gun to a golf cart?

@pauljones: I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

It would be interesting to see how they would get those highways to go straight through the Rocky Mountains.

@mattycakes: I'm like you, I hate having a messy bookmarks list extend beyond my screen size. I simply have a folder in my firefox bookmarks where I put all my "miscellaneous" links for stuff that I don't always want to look at but like to keep in the back of my head/internet. I go through and weed it out every

Jalopnik gallery trumps NYT gallery. Nice try though.

I've sampled many energy drinks including NOS (my favorite is AMP) and I've found that the best way to keep your energy up is to drink them slowly.

Underbody aero is a good way to get the car to stick to the track better, But I wonder if it would increase or decrease MPG? I would think that making the car slicker would increase , but then again the extra down force could negate that gain? #cardesign

@RLJ676-LS3 Commuter Car - for the environment: Exactly what I was thinking. Because of this "good news" the UAW will dig in it's heels even more. If Ford had simply downplayed itself until after the negotiations it probably would have been better off in the long run. #ford

@MushyHeirloom: Woah, I had to do a double take on those wheels before I realized that they were just cardboard cut-outs.

No contest. That is, after I slash his tires.

What makes you think that the CTS-V will be 100% "stock"?

You also have to keep in mind that most of the failures were before the 70's AKA the dawn of the computer age. As you mentioned from the 70's the ratio is more like 80-90% #marsmissions

@Mike Zuniga: XD Thats a good one! I've got another but don't want to post it for fear of banning. #iphone

O RLY Mr. Ballmer? You don't say!