I'm in the middle of some calibrations

Matte black is the worst car trend of the last 50 years.

Dude, you can still “build anything you can think of.” 

Pffft, $100 sets are for kids.

Down here in Australia Ford did a similar thing to create the Ford Landau from the Falcon coupe. The Landau was essentially a Falcon coupe fitted with the full Ford LTD front end, interior and luxury trim, different taillights and a vinyl roof to hide the tacked-in steel panels that shortened the side window openings.


Once again, a Torch article results in me googling something that would have never otherwise crossed my mind: 1984 Chrysler New Yorker interior.

did you old guys forget who this car was made for?

Can you guys please try to find a new joke when referring to liberals other than, “they identify as…” It’s getting really boring.

I’m thinking Jason and David should just go to The Drive where this shit doesn’t fly. 

You’d think they’d kook for writers that you know, ENJOY CAR CULTURE, but apparently that’s not a big priority around here anymore.  🤔

I’m at work and I can’t turn the sound on, so I’m just going to assume that Honda figured out how to make an exhaust system play The Girl from Ipanema

I come from a UP Rail Road family, I can attest that they don’t take security lightly; RR security is backed by Federal authority. Even getting caught riding the rails, you could be in for a s***ton of problems, muchless breaking open rail cars. However, I don’t think we’re dealing with an element of society that is

Even if they were cheap, they should not be squandered! The article mentions covid tests too. You can’t even find those in stores now! and these guys just threw them out like garbage

“Now, every outlet is calling these folks thieves, and sure, that’s technically correct.”

I should’ve stopped reading the first time Erin offered excuses for criminal behavior. But I kept reading and found more of it.

This weird apologist take is just bad. These people are thieves, stealing things from OTHER people who legitimately bought something despite the poor economy. This isn’t a stick-it-to-bezos thing. This is impacting folks like you and me who work to pay their bills, then get their hard-earned shit stolen by someone who

I got everything but brown on my last new-car purchase. That vehicle was phased out so I am focused on manual at this point.

Standard question, which no one at Jalop will answer: What is the difference between a wagon and a CUV/SUV? I want a clear-cut, objective definition. “It just is,” is not acceptable. “The car mfr calls it that, so it is,” is also not acceptable.

an androgynous zone

In a perfect FSD world there will be no stop lights, signs, nothing, just an incredible series of TERRIFYING yet orchestrated near misses...basically like driving in India :)