
And not only some people, but sometimes the same people at different times in their lives can feel totally differently about it! There was a time when sex without feelings was what worked for me. Then at some point, it stopped working, so I stopped doing it. The whole idea of this dichotomy where it has to be one way

I think my brain stopped counting after the year 2000. I still hear ‘20 years ago’ and think of 1980, even though that’s clearly incorrect. I wonder if the author suffers from the same affliction? Or just grew up in a really, really strict place?

or how“I love so-and-so, I won’t hear a word said against her!” is always followed by the worst sort of slander.

I’ve just got Jez and Lifehacker, but that’s cool because they’re the only ones I really visit. Oddly enough though, Lifehacker followed me in approximately 1/100th the time it took Jez to.

high five! Only took a few years...

Are there ways to use them for evil?

also, holy smokes batman! I’m not gray anymore! I’M NOT GRAY ANYMORRRRE!!!!!

I truly despise people who think that saying “I was joking” or “I didn’t mean it” means that awful thing they said isn’t still a window into their character. It is. If that’s what you think is funny, that says something about you. If your go-to insults of women have to do not with their capabilities or their

That’s the big reason I keep looking for it too—also supported by the whole thing about W&B being hired based on their answer to the question “who is John Snow’s mother?” If that was all soooooo important, they’ve built him up all this way just to kill him like it’s nothing, I’m flipping the table on this series. He

It does actually sound a bit like something Littlefinger said to her last season, though I still contend that that’s Tyrion’s voice in the trailer.

Do people agree that the voiceover (you’re in the great game now, etc.) is Tyrion? And if so, to whom is he speaking? The timing of the voiceover with the cuts is made to feel like he’s speaking to Sansa, though of course there’s no way the two of them are anywhere near each other. I suppose it must be Missandei, or

it probably seems silly to most, but I’m glad this is getting this much publicity. My mom’s one of those who can’t have any milk (as well as many other things) and she puts so much effort into avoiding the things she’s allergic to, it’s always a huge letdown when she gets sick anyway due to something

It could even be looked at as her being saved (from the big showdown fight/leadership challenge) so that they could have one last night together.

isn’t dying directly after having sex such a trope that it was lampooned in Scary Movie or similar?

wait, he’ll spend $650 on a single game, but won’t pay for cable? I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir here, but this does not compute.

My bet is on social. Because they’ve just never *had* to care about All The Things. They have women who will always seem to do that for them—moms, then girlfriends friends, wives, “helpers” at work whether official or unofficial... they don’t experience what life is like when you have to do that for yourself and

holy fuck yes with the kitchen organization. My otherwise awesome husband just doesn’t seem to give a shit whether anything is in any sort of expected place. If god forbid he has to unload the dishwasher, he’ll just grab stuff and stuff it in whatever cabinet has a space, with no regard whether that’s where it’s

She actually said that she felt like she wasn’t given good enough material to work with, which is a direct punch at the writers and showrunner. Also she’s representing the show, not just herself. Her pulling out of the running means they can’t run the ads saying “featuring Best Actress nominee...” or eventually “Best

I generally agree, but would make an exception if it may be just a momentary fear of commitment. A lot of people have that “oh my god, but these other things will never happen once I’m married” feeling and get stupid. BUT, with the LW, I agree with you because this situation seems to have stretched over a fair period

I don’t hate her and will still definitely watch her stuff depending on plot summary, but I can understand why a show-runner might not love the idea of their star bad-mouthing them to the media. If I was nominated for an award and took my name out of the running (while I was representing the project, mind you, so