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    Thats astronaut Sunni Williams........I’m sure she will be thrilled after reading your comment :-)

    Thats astronaut Sunni Williams........I’m sure she will be thrilled after reading your comment :-)

    finally an informed comment by someone who knows how it all works....I worked on this suit and all the features are in place by the filtering down of requirements and parameters....not copying movie suits...lol

    Designed and fabricated with colaboration from Nasa and Boeing, by David Clark co inc for Boeing

    You are 100% correct !That is why the ACES suit was orange. The rear of helmet was also covered in a pattern of strips of reflective material, the same material used on the white edge of the large highway signs.

    It becomes rigid when pressurised.....like a basket ball, the polycarbonate visor is rigid, the “gas” container/ restraint/ outer cover becomes as flexible as a hood on a jacket when open and not pressurised

    The zippers are custom made by YKK

    The design and fabrication of the suits was by David Clark co inc , Worcester, Massachusetts, for Boeing......The visor design was a result of vison parameters ( I came up with the shape and dimensions) 2001 is an epic movie , but had nothing to do with its deveopment and look........