
More than half of Americans can’t name a Supreme Court Justice. Only about a third of Americans can name all three branches of government, about the same amount couldn’t name one. Vast majority of Americans can’t name their U.S. Senators.

I’m still waiting for Obama’s critics to explain what he should have done to bypass the Republicans, in a fashion consistent with how Republicans had the ability to filibuster in all but six or seven months of Obama’s presidency. Because to those of us in the reality-based community — which is to say, those of us with

Child, stop. Obama’s biggest criticism with no asterisk is that he used his charisma to make people forget we were creating refugees in the Middle East. The rest is people expecting more out of the only black president than they did from the 40 other white dudes across 2 centuries combined.

We got the ACA during a time

So hold on, a girl who is trafficked and preyed upon, forced in prostitution, kills a man who picks her up, is given over 50 years, but a grown ass man killing his girlfriend, pouring bleach on her, and not calling 911 until she’s definitely dead only gets 3 years? Yeah, I can definitely see how he’s more capable of

The right wing talking point on this seems to be either the father should’ve never taken this journey with her (I’m even starting to hear that all those shithole countries are basically paradise and anyone asking for asylum is lying because...reasons), or that he purposefully denied her food and water. I don’t know if

Wait wait wait.... How in the everloving fuck is Ariana joking about two dudes sucking up all the oxygen with their lame ass beef interpreted as attacking Kanye’s mental health? Is Kanye saying that no one is allowed to take attention away from him because he’s mentally ill? FOH.

I have no interest in watching this show, but she seems truly delightful.

I’m not a doctor by any means, but I find it stunningly, ghoulishly hilarious that these people seem to legitimately believe researchers are, like, chopping up babies on a cutting board or something.

I’m sure Miss USA’s Vietnamese is flawless.

Basically, everyone who voted Leave did so on the assumption that they would be able to retain all of the benefits of membership in the EU without any of its obligations, simply by having the leverage to bargain an amazing deal with the EU member nations. This has turned out to be the equivalent of “There’s going to

I mean whether this relationship is real or not, it’s absurd to think that Priyanka is the one who *needs* Nick to become more famous. She’s a big fucking deal in India. And when I mean big I mean BIIIG. I mean the goddamn Prime Minister of the country attended her reception. And you best believe he didn’t do because

Very few people are all good or all bad”

Old man: I REMEMBER WHEN 11-7 WAS A REAL FOOTBALL GAME. *falls asleep at 3PM on Sunday*

Eh. Indian-Americans skew heavily towards the left with respect to voting patterns - 2nd, 3rd generations even more so - but there’s a lot of conservatism embedded in that community, particularly when it comes to economics, Islam, and skin color. Let’s not forget that India is, by and large, a very conservative

Honestly, what is up with my peeps? I mean, I know we are not a monolith, but we definitely seem to be over representing for the right. 

The peach scene is so wrong. I still don’t get why they deviated from the book: it was much more emotional than how it was depicted in the movie.

Just me or was this even a more unhinged than usual from Mango Unchained? Apparently someone spent some executive time explaining that losing the House was bad.

I’m just shocked by Florida. I thought Gillum had it.

KCMO! We’ve got three separate ballot initiatives for medical marijuana (only one is good #yeson2), an effort to raise the minimum wage, and the absolute necessity of keeping Claire McCaskill in office. No early voting and a voter-id law means my polling place was packed with mostly 20-50 yo’s and it took about an

Spicy take: Take away Alaska’s statehood and give it to Puerto Rico.