I realize the trendy thing is to covet Villainelle’s wardrobe, but I want Carolyn’s house.
That is one path to right this wrong but it would surely still be a sign that something is wrong. I didn’t like her but I truly thought HRC would be first woman president. I really, really like Elizabeth and truly thought she had what it would take to be the first woman president. I know I’m not wrong but can’t…
Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid or you just like playing stupid? The country is FUCKED. The broadcast media, print media, social media do NOT have a specific Dem, Independent, or Republican lane they stick in. The goddamned fucking Republicans are bragging about their influence enough so that Donna Brazile…
Calling it now: the first female POTUS will be a woman of color, who becomes president because she was the vice president of a man who died in office.
I completely understand why she has dropped and I still broken. FUCK this country. This is the smartest, most competent, most capable and genuine candidate in the whole field but the ignorant voters want to keep the status quo and go with another goddamned old white guy. FUCK this country.
No Awkwafina. The entire cast of Parasite shut out. AND Scarlett Johansson nominated for TWO acting awards. Talk about a slap in the face to the Asian community...
Honestly, it’s time. Elizabeth Warren needs her own in depth story. This is just the feminist blog to do so.
Look guys, I’m not gonna defend Norm on this one, but just... just come right out and actually criticise him, okay? Just say that he said some dumb shit if that’s what you want to say. You really don’t have to smother everything in layers of knowing snark and eye-rolling irony to the point where it’s incomprehensible.
To be fair, Hughes wanted to take this occasion to showcase a character of his we’ve sadly been acquainted with for the past few years, “Blogger Who’s Nowhere Near As Clever As He Thinks He Is, And Would Really Just Be Better Off Covering Entertainment News In A More Straightforward Fashion”.
Uh, that wasn’t Seth Simons that Che went after. That was another guy with a similar sounding first name. Close, though.
Yup. The theory is that if we stop discriminating against transgender people, that will break the magical seal that we currently place on all women’s restroom doors, and will thereby allow pedophiles to enter and attack children, under the guise of being transgender women.
As I said about an abortion case, I hope that when Democrats take all 3 branches of the government strong laws will be enacted to support LGBTQ rights solidly so we don’t have to re-litigate this in the future.
Because Democrats don’t vote in local elections.
Please dismiss your Hindutva troll.
Note to lurkers, this is what a hindu fascist looks like.
My roommate and I actually paused HBO to scream when Shiv said “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Dad, just tell them it’s gonna be me.” I don’t know what it is, but this show really does something to me.
Catastrophe should be on this list, though I’m a huge fan of both Killing Eve and Fleabag as well. Catastrophe is every bit as funny, and offers huge performances from Sharon Hogan and Rob Delaney along with the brilliant Ashley Jensen and really likable Mark Bonnar. Unfortunately this was Carrie Fisher’s last role,…
...but McGrath is a self-described moderate who believes the Democrats currently running for president are veering too far to the left. She doesn’t support eliminating private insurance under a Medicare-for-all plan, nor does she support subsidizing healthcare for undocumented immigrants. She also describes herself as…