
Happy Holi!

Oh then.. It's totally OK!!!

She isn't that bad. I think she is still in her movie character. She was more likable in the TV show Ben and Kate and Social Network ( even though that was like two minute role).

You mean "Breaking Upwards" ?

Haha.. we all have been there my friend!

Typo in heading "Snow Shelter" instead of "Show Shelter"

Paul Walker!! Pretty obvious but duh!!!

Who the hell is Melinda McCarthy / TAMMY ??

Haha.. I love your bollywood GIFs ( The Madhuri one from yesterday was the best!!) .. Do you make it yourself or is there a source I should be aware of ?

Insterstellar wouldn't be categorized as science fiction?

Love Seven Lions!

Nah. It didn't happen yesterday but last week Hosmer came there and bought everyone round of drinks. So everyone was hoping it will happen again at McFaddens.

I tried two episodes when the show started and couldn't get into it. But then started again last week and now I am totally hooked to it. It is SOO good...

It says my HTC One is not compatible :(

This totally looks like the place where Walking Dead was shot!

What if I get 40% employee discount. Is it worth then?

Haha.. I saw that on urban dictionary.

What does FIBS mean?