
What a sacrifice, to pay so much in taxes that you’re only worth $500 million. What kind of life can you make with just $500 million?

When I hear rich people bitch about taxes, I can’t even fathom it. I’m proud that my taxes go to things that my fellow patriots need, like Obamacare, and I guarantee that the dollars coming out of my paycheck mean a lot more to me than the dollars from their... paychecks? Estate taxes? Whatever you call the taxes rich

#PowderedWigs #SilkShoes #Cake #PoorsAreJustJealous

She has to fuck Steve Mnuchin. She’s paying in her own way.

this. the thought of vapid coke trash pulling out a 5 spot to tip on a 20 dollar credit card tab is comical.

Bitchez pleeze. Rich people don’t carry cash. Tip your bartender, you cheap silver-spoon twat.

This is kind of expertise and research I appreciate. Looks like in the battle of the dad/momagers, Jessica’s dad defeated the Willifords handily. Donna looking like a proto Kris Jenner here.

Those are the faces of prisoners realizing they are about to spend some hard time.

It’s ok, George Michael. Your uncle has some illusions up his sleeve to keep pop-pop out of prison. Despite the light treason.

But being unaware of the law doesn’t free you of the consequences of breaking it. I didn’t realize you had to drive for 100 yards in a lane before changing to another lane, but the ticket I paid and the point on my car insurance are the consequences for breaking that law.

THIS is the Real L Word. Bunch of rich, drama-filled (mostly) white lesbos dressed in linen. (note, I am gay in case this is read as any kind of hatred based on sexuality)

I agree. He’s good-looking, but his personality and kindness makes him hotter.

The best part of that handshake today was when Macron totally pulled back and then slapped Donnie’s arm at the end. So fantastic I wanted to be French.

It’s really lovely how you crap on him being a drama teacher. Let’s dismiss teachers! Especially the arts!

I feel the same way as an American reading a Trump article. I’m like “wow, do people just think I’m admiring his smoked turkey colored skin? How his face melts into his neck? His millionaire on a ketchup diet bod? How his suits perfectly contour his ego?” It’s the curse of having a super hot leader.

So, I know Trudeau is a traditionally attractive man - I definitely think he’s hot, lol. But... all of this adoration of how attractive he is is starting to make me feel weird. Like, I’ll be reading an article relating to him somehow, and there’ll be a photo included, and I’m like, embarrassed to be caught looking

Trudeau: Did he try that handshake bullshit on you?
Macron: Oh yeah, he totally did. Thanks for the tips.

About seven years ago I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I was lucky in that it was fairly isolated so they just chopped that sucker out, but I was devastated by the treatments. Just.. so so sick. An old friend of mine (we'd shared a really shitty apt in NYC in my early 20s and during this time she and I had had a

Thank you, but don't be! This was actually not, by any stretch, the most evil thing he did. 10 years on we have absolutely nothing to do with him (his call) and this may sound glib but I am so, so glad.

I've told this story before here. But.