
Let me remind you of the brothers at my daughter’s swimming school named Maverick and Striker.

I don’t know who she is, but her concave stomach is hard to look at.

The fact that FLOTUS’s official Twitter account has basic grammar mistakes which no one has bothered to correct is somehow the maggot infested cherry on this cruddy sundae curse is finally taking effect.

It was tacky and a big faux pas. It was like clearing his sinuses in front of a world audience when he knew he was on camera.

Oof that is painful to see. This new USA sucks so much.

Donald is holding Melania’s hand, whether she wants it held or not. Her hand makes almost a fist (and would be a full fist if she weren’t borrowing black panther’s claws for the Pearl Harbor visit). You can’t clasp hands with someone’s fist, so Donald has to make due with the ball of fingers.

“Signed someone whose “woke” white friend’s husband jokingly called me a prairie n****r.”

First, I want to say.. Sis, I’m so sorry that happened to you...These are numerous fucked up encounters and I’m glad at least one person albeit a white woman took you seriously and helped you.

Tsk, tsk. I want all the distraught straight men to know that many of us find penises beautiful to look at. Unfortunately for them, most of us are gay men. But I want them to know, if they’re sick of having their beautiful penises disrespected and laughed at, we’re waiting with open...arms.

We watched last night and my husband legit turned to me and said “DO YOU GUYS THINK OUR PENISES ARE UGLY”.

To repeat an earlier comment on the subject:

Damon is surrounded by predators, Harvey the afflecks, ben and Casey. I’m sure there’s more. He might even be a predator too, what happened to Winona Ryder’s money, matt Damon?

She’s working as a “Yacht Girl” - ie goes on yachting trips with rich men who remember Mean Girls, for money.

This is so uncomfortable. He is obviously wasted and fully aware of his “celebrity”. Gross.

Wendy Williams is a trifling ass trick whose own home in in disarray. The end.

yeah it really ticks the boxes, doesn’t it?

Probably time to give birth after 2 years.

I’m almost 40 and my parents still constantly tell me to “be careful”.