Anyone else tired of the satire reporting that everyone is doing nowadays?
Anyone else tired of the satire reporting that everyone is doing nowadays?
Is Yao wearing the same wrinkled pants every day?
because the stats are shit
He got the Stan Van Gundy treatment.
how often do you replace the blades?
how often do you replace the blades?
Jason Whitlock said that the Blackhawks national anthem singer was over matched for the national stage of doing a Bears playoff game, so I replied: 'I hope your veins are not over matched for your blood fat ass.'
the beard trimmer is showing $26.99, wtf??
the beard trimmer is showing $26.99, wtf??
Gawker told me not to buy from Amazon
too many haters here wish they could have the life of any of those 4
Why would we want to punch this? Too much haterade Tom.
nobody gaf
Gawker told me not to buy from Amazon
Yasiel Puig is to Deadspin what Tim Tebow is to ESPN
bravo ::claps slowly::
man gtfo here with this shit
Looks like you have a google news alert for Puig, and auto post whatever the hell shows up
Everybody goes ape shit when Sam kisses his partner, but nobody cares when these guys dry hump each other.
He did pick a winner?:…