Pretty sure you’re overestimating our court system.
Pretty sure you’re overestimating our court system.
It was so long ago! It was a different time and he was young and immature!
It’s truly a witch hunt, and obviously you have not observed the massive growth in empathy that Marchiol has developed in the at least several months since the video was made.
I assume within the next 24 hours Marchiol will be complaining about how he’s being “publicly lynched”?
“Lol, you are going to have to present the math for that ridiculous claim pal.“
I believe the GOP’s position on the sun is this:
That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.
500 Days of Elven Hari Kari - Kotaku
Why would they cite Trump as the cause of something that’s interesting and cool? The article needs to be believable.
Nice try, Betsy.
I missed the part where you guys blame Trump for this??
It has to continue giving off light to the huge turtle carrying our flat planet on its back in the vacuum of space.
I think I remember reading that photons have energy and momentum, but not mass (which makes no sense to my very basic understanding of physics). Momentum of the photons would account for the effects on the rotation, maybe. Also, light is affected by gravity, which only effects objects with mass. So the correct answer…
Well actually... (yeah I’m that guy), while way more complicated, it is not technically “wrong” to use a geocentric as opposed to heliocentric model for the solar system. They both describe the same motions relative to an observer from earth.
Don’t worry, the new secretary of Education will settle this...
“This is a bit of a firehouse,” said Kuhn. “Convection theory is a hotbed of lots different ideas.”
killer comment
Once a day, bro.
It still goes around the Earth once a year though, right?