
Here’s the thing. If American engines/cars had been in Europe, I’d swap wrecked V8 small-blocks in everything, EVERYTHING. It’s just that they are so available for you that LS swap this, LS swap that, or any other V8 engone, they just seem very ordinary. Sad life =[

It is kinda off when compared to M’s and AMG’s, because you can’t really hear someone saying - I bought a Quattro Five, I test-drove a Quattro 6. And adding even further, quattro GmbH is the branch which manufactures the cars in-house, but they are branded as S/RS. Just like you don’t say BMW Motorsport Five, eF-Ten.

It was very nose heavy, basically understeer wonder, but the Quattro compensated for it, all you had to do, is trust the machine and tech, floor it in a corner, and hope for the best.

7-series 760i, anyone?

A bit late, sorry.

Regarding your opinion on the first line: In America you don’t. We, Europeans, have A-Bahns, we can do 300, and as said, we can do it in a rather comfortable silence.

This seems like a similar build to one guy from bimmerforums, except he had silver sedan. Anyhow, the manual swap is crazy hard and time-consuming thing to do, it’s not plug and play. Lots of work here, and it kinda looks good. The 540i’s were poor-mans M5, lots of people praised it as even better than the latter. I

It seems to me that little to none of the people here know what they are seeing. It’s the same 2.7T V6 as was offered in S4's. The miles are just right for an enthusiast - rebuild with stronger internals, add bigger turbos or just push more boost from the current ones till they shite the bearings and allow for some

Superchargers are capable of 400 volts @ 250 amps. The amps provide the capacity for a faster battery re-charging

Holy shit mate, this is elementary school level number matching and pretty rough physical application to conclude the the result. Besides, everything you ask for can be seen on their website, including 0-300-0 run (no hands in demonstration, btw), which sets and holds the current WR. And no, 1 mile is not enough for

This is so retarded that I just can’t resist to share my subjective opinion.

I’m gonna leave my 2 cents I have had a deal with. My first car was a 1.6, 101 horsepower Audi B5. It was underpowered as shit, but it was fun, cause it was manual. On narrow, twisty roads it was plenty. Theres isjust so much speed/grip/gforce rato for any car to handle. There is a sweet spot for every car, for the

Well, let me tell you a little story how this actually works, in Europe, at least.

You’d be surprised, how much energy from various sources it takes to produce current, when one looks further down the chain leading to production and only after that, a customer. Not that this can’t be said about everything, fosil fuels are source of everything.

I’m very surprised, that BMW’s 8 series is not here.