
Manny Faberino/KSA Manny/Mansoor Al-Shehal. You know your Saudi wrestlers.

A schoolmate of my son’s is now on contract wrestling for WWE. He is a well-connected Saudi/American dual citizen. When he was coming up he was using an Italian-sounding name. With Trump’s election, the WWE is now pushing him as a KSA citizen.

Not surprising because WWE is run by the same people who love Trump. I mean,

I want a tough woman, but not one who was a convenient Republican until the age of 47 [and growing up as a supposed Republican “Native” in racist Oklahoma(!)]. I want a woman who has done actual things for my community, the LGBTQ+ community, and not one who conveniently changed her position on transgender surgery in

Truly the advantage of making it at home is reusable containers. Or buying in bulk and making it at work = no additional environmental impact from single use plastic.

Expecting “normal” behavior from guys who are actively developing CTE is foolish. All this “aberrant” behavior might be cute if it wasn’t totally consistent with rapid brain injuries. But yay football!

I gave up watching football when I realized I was watching people kill themselves so rich dudes could get richer. And

Between Colin Kaepernick and the CTE shenanigans, I have given up the NFL. I refuse to support billionaires who abuse and murder their employees for sport. Not much different than throwing people to the lions, when you think about it.

Why does anyone continue to watch and support the NFL when you know the players, who

Right. I won’t watch professional boxing because it’s legalized brutality. Concussions are a given, right, or the contestants aren’t hitting hard enough. Even Olympic boxing has head trauma, and they wear padded headgear.

This is also why I won’t watch football or contribute to that culture. CTE is a known side effect

Thank you for this. I didn’t read the original article but found some validity in the summary I read above. I have already said this to male friends who were hot on Pete’s candidacy. My issue is the lack of courage and the calculation that it takes to sit back, KNOW THAT YOU’re gay, and just not say anything because

So if Pete lacked the moral courage to put anything personal at risk by declaring his status as a gay man, why should I vote for him for President? I get to have a say on this as a 30 year card-carrying member of the LGBTQ+ community (back when we called ourselves dykes to reclaim the word from being a slur). I “came

She wouldn’t win an election in AOC’s district, but she COULD win in Kentucky. You’re spewing a typical leftist defeatist trope - the perfect is the enemy of the good. Your purity tests are what is wrong with the country. Not every Democrat lives in Queens. Some of them would like to win in the South. Some of them

The left is tired of noticing that the right gets “free everything” via tax cuts for the rich, no bid weapons contracts, billions in diverted to Betsy DeVos, etc., etc. I mean, the deficit increased 10% in ONE YEAR due to Donnie Two Scoops’ management and there’s a collective snore from the “fiscal conservatives”

It is a double-edged sword, but we’ve come a long way, baby!  At SF Pride this year we talked about how in the early 90's there was one guy walking down the street who had the courage to hold a sign saying “gay cop” and now there is a pride association for firefighters, and one for cops, and one for every company. 

So you’re good with Jerry West kissing up to Donald Trump, which by extension means the Clippers are total Trumpers - and that’s likely why West parted ways with the Warriors. Nice.  I see that the Warriors dumped Andre Iguodala as soon as his anti-Bob Meyers screed went public.


Our family admired him as a player. My wife is a forever Knicks fan, so he got lots of benefit of the doubt from us, even as a gay family watching him run his preacher business on the side. He lost us with Jason Collins, and we certainly weren’t sympathetic to the wire tapping and management issues. It’s

One person’s “outstanding work” is another person’s “Gawd, when will he just stop droning on and on with cliches ...”  Also having to listen to him bad mouth the Warriors for the first three title runs was pathetic.  It wasn’t until after they won the second one that he stopped talking shit about Kerr.

So we need to respect Jackson’s homophobia because it’s biblical, and not respect Welts because he’s a homo, - tolerate the intolerant and be intolerant of the tolerant.  Andre, since it appears you are uncomfortable with gay people, please leave the Bay Area.  I’ll be sure not to buy tickets in the meantime.

Love it!

I call them “plague enthusiasts”.  It’s not only children who are at risk.  Anyone with a compromised immune system can be affected.