it's listed under bourbon too
it's listed under bourbon too
I don't see any Japanese single malt on here. Yamazaki is delicious.
I want to see every concept sketch turned into a motion picture by June. k thx
ughh, I owned this game. My aunt got me this game and this "virtual reality" headset which was this clunky tv screen strapped to your head. I think this makes the memory even more headache inducing.
an exercise in childhood frustration
I thought the fighting system was original and fun to master. Mainly I loved this game for the Akira Toriyama art direction and the soundtrack was amazing. IIRC this game touted 60fps due to the low polygon count. I think there were easily worse games than this.
Back when Marvel intellectual property was not a hot crossover commodity in movies and games.
Peter Northstar
I need more white friends.
I guess if you're out an Xbox 1 and a PS4, what's another $80 in dildos for some internet obscure fame.
Snowbirds haven't fully migrated yet.
You did it in flip flops if I remember correctly!
Ricky. In the off-season of 2000 after your rookie season, you walked several miles to come play me in a game of Madden at the youth center in Spangdahlem AFB, Germany. I'll never forget how you showed up at the door and then proceeded to hand it to me as you ran all over my terrible defense and were the player of the…