
Can’t be racist against white people? How did America become so stupid? Only America would conceive of a concept so inept as “reverse racism”. Racism has existed long before white or black people existed. And existed long in every culture to some extent. Not only is it possible to be racist towards white people, but

The real shit-heels are doctors themselves, promoting nothing but pharmaceutical poisons that achieve nothing. Western medicine, heavily influenced and shaped by Rockerfellers - for those ignorant of the history - is nothing more than a money making scam that destroys lives. Follow what Brady teaches and you’ll be the

Oh look, a Liberal outlet attacking real food and health. If you don’t want to eat fetus cells (HEK 293), mercury, clay, rat poison, beaver anus (in ice-cream) and a myriad of other deadly chemicals, compounds et al, you are a quack. Americanised nutrition and health care is inhuman. It all leads to the sickest nation

Just look what greed has done to Super Rugby - the once crown jewel of domestic competitions. Ruined by greed and they still won’t learn even now. I turned to football as an alternative but I see the same problems that started killing Southern Hemisphere Rugby. That there’s always a Socialist agenda infused into the

Too bad that for all the power true Ps4 and Xbox have they are boring platforms for gaming. I can’t recall a generation being so passive and bland as now. All Nintendo has to do is make the NX fun and they will come out in good shape. Because as far as games go, the Ps4 and Xbox are a waste of time. My Ps4 is now my