Exactly! Pretty sure that would be one of my favorite episode pairings in all of Trek for Zack to review.
Exactly! Pretty sure that would be one of my favorite episode pairings in all of Trek for Zack to review.
I think pairing "Inquisition" and "In the Pale Moonlight" would make for a terrific comments section. (At least it would if not for nuDisqus.) That is quite a pairing. I don't think I remembered that those episodes were back to back. I wonder at Zack's reaction to watching those two episodes in a row.
I would also unironically like to see this concert. Those guys are very good musicians. I've never seen Paul Simon in concert. But I have seen Sting. I thought he was terrific.
I liked this episode a lot. Liked having Damon Wayans Jr back. It would be great if he could stick around. I like the dynamic between him and the group. I suspect Winston would get a lot more development if Coach was around more.
The body of Taye Diggs is a work of art. There is nothing obscene about it. Therefore, the show should have just had him be naked.
I am so wishing I knew how to make one. Please, someone help us out!
Never has "rubber baby buggy bumpers" sounded so sexy.
Oh, Taye Diggs is so hot. I would have totally dumped Nick for him. Although, I wouldn't have been dating Nick in the first place. But still.
Well, like everyone, I knew Siegel wouldn't be around long. But, wow, I didn't expect them to kill him in this episode. I'm fairly curious to see what becomes of this.
The movie is 5 hours long? Seriously, Von Trier? And yes, why aren't there any really hot men in it? I have deduced from these things, plus the images of Shia LaBeouf having sex, that I'm not the target audience for this film.
Oh, I am so unbelievably tired of the teal-and-orange grading. It makes every movie look the same. Blech. And once it is pointed out, you can't un-see it.
I'm still hoping for MILF Island.
You may or may not even see this, but oh well.
How close is it to The Following? That show can be hate watched. It is hilariously awful. Would I get the same enjoyment out of this?
This is very sad news. I just realized that I wish some actors I like would be unemployed rather than be in this.
How can fast forwarding be disabled if you DVR shows on FOX? I DVR everything. It has never stopped me from skipping every single commercial on SYTYCD, New Girl, House, Sleepy Hollow, Fringe or B99
And this is why we don't need a downvote button.
Really hope tonight goes better than last night. That was ugly. I'm not a particular Cardinals fan, but I don't like the AL and loathe the Red Sox, so I was very unhappy with last night's results.
I'm a classical musician and I've sung in that 9th Symphony so many times that not only do I have the vocal lines memorized, I think I have the 1st and 2nd movements memorized too. And I'm working on the 3rd.
Every time I hear someone talk about these books they make that "Holy crap!" joke. So, how much does the main character say that? If that is being said enough to warrant this much mocking then it must be horrifying.