
you know can get a suit at the goodwill for seven bucks. I know. I have bought several. Another seven to dry clean it and you’re done. And sometimes , as I had to teach my own daughter, the way you dress makes a statement, and sometimes that statement is heard loud and clear.Pay attention to what your manner

I can’t empathize at all with you. I can’t empathize with anyone who has chosen to hate and blame others rather than fighting through it and winning and giving up the hate. I could hate. I have every reason in the world to hate, but that is a dead end. Get off that street as soon as you can. Reach down deep. You have

and that is the long and short of it isn’t our problem and there are more productive ways to spend one’s time than ducking false accusations and being patronized as a “good white person.” Sometimes people just need to figure it out for themselves.Non whites see me as a white person (I am actually latin) and

yeh, apparently you do, if you think stealing is the way to go.

If “good” people are only the those who agree with you then you are as bad as those whom you consider “bad.” No one is completely good or completely bad. You are already seeing things from a biased point of view. Dare I do the same? Shall I break African Americans down into the good ones I have known and the bad ones