Your Favorite Band Sucks

And don’t forget the NFL has a standing policy that, unlike Tom Brady or Aaron Rodgers, a defender using his helmet to smash Cam Newton’s helmet (and Russell Wilson’s) is not a personal foul and, in fact, is encouraged.

It’s insane to me that in the year of our Lord 2019 we’re still having “Cam Newton is selfish” conversations. The guy has had no offensive line, no noteworthy receivers, and a platoon of overrated running backs basically ever since he came in the league, and has muscled them to numerous playoff berths and a Super Bowl.

Cam Newton is playing injured and probably has been playing injured for the last 3 or so years. He continued to play, because the Panther’s only other option at that point was...*check notes*...A literal robot who was programmed to throw turnovers and make racial slurs. He didn’t play because he was selfish, he played

Looks like he's got a bit of a limp wrist now. Luckily he has friends that can help him with that... a cure, I believe. 

If this isn’t bad enough, just now there was yet another blown call against the Saints, this one killing a touchdown on a fumble called as an incomplete pass. It’s like the refs thrive on Saints fans’ tears. Please, refs, get these calls right, before my wife (lifelong Saints fan) kills someone!

He got three because Shaq had two.

In the four minute video, we’re shown three different paintings of Dwight Howard as Superman.

And the only thing that can prevent another Patriots Super Bowl victory? This man:

I’m surprised they’re killing off the double decker taco, but I guess their numbers say otherwise.

yep. This line from his email is gold:

Remember when Tony Romo retired and everyone was like, “LOL, bout time, mush brain.” Then he became an announcer was was actually enjoyable, interesting and insightful?
Jason Witten is bizzaro Tony Romo.

This reminds me of a story of the time Ted Williams was asked for an autograph by a young pitcher who had just struck him out, which is recounted in David Halberstam’s outstanding book, The Teammates. The relevant portion is pasted below from some random source on the Internet, but it seems accurate enough based on my

I have no take on the trials, their outcome, or the payouts.

Consisting of one 500,000$ bill.

My bet:  a cheap camera, cheap laptop, cheap necklace, and a bag full of $500,000. 

Dave Portnoy has a Kinja?

The laptop that Cam Newton stole in college is technologically more advanced than 95% of North Carolina.