
The Patriots and the Broncos are in the midst of a rather entertaining shit talking session

I hate everything about tribal tattoos

Did he also tell you how great MeUndies and are?

this guy is a high grade twat salesman. i know a few people and they know the truth about it. fuck them and the four letter leader in sports. first they fire that trivia guy and he was a great dude with his trivia show and then they hire these clowneys. fuck the cycle of arrogance that they show the fans. i will stick

Snow is like DC, it can’t matter because it’s not a real state.

You can tell it’s central Ohio because the birth precedes the first official in-and-out.


I love winter. Because I spend all year longing for the sweet, silent embrace of death and winter comes the closest.

They really got to the next free throw shooter, too, when they all simultaneously ate the placenta.

Despite bad grades, those kids managed to avoid a C section

“Anyway, at the dead center of the Nor’Eastercane bullseye is Washington D.C., which found itself paralyzed for eight hours on Wednesday night when a fearsome one inch came to terrorize the area.”

Paralyzed is right... I live on Connecticut Ave NW right near the zoo, and last night it looked like Mad Max: Flurry Road.

It’s Buffalo, so yeah, probably.

Kevin Draper on Sunday:
Sad news, our own Drew Magary has died of a heart attack while shovelling snow.

Only one six-pack? Is he expecting people to go to work the next day?

“go home, buy a six pack of beer, and watch a good football game.”

It’s times like these when I’m thankful to live less than 2 blocks from my favorite bar, and that the owners live even closer.

This game broke my brain... This game and the alcohol I have been drinking since 3 pm.

Nobody should be worried; he’s apparently not very good at dishing out payback.

Not surprised. This is due to Shaun’s past, by all accounts.