
My Uncle deals with a lot of mice where he lives and found the best trap is a 5 gallon bucket with a ramp up to the top. Above the bucket you have a string that is attached to some food. The mice go up the ramp try to grab the food and fall into the bucket. As this is his second home he keeps a few inches of

Oh, and once you’ve caught that mouse and left it to die in your trashcan outside, don’t forget to pick up the other glue traps. I found out a couple of years later that they’re also great for catching entire families of crickets.

I’ve had occasional issues with big assed rats in my yard and house. In the yard, a .22 caliber pellet gun makes quick work of them. In the house, it’s been more problematic. I’ve placed the biggest, scariest snap traps you can buy, only to later find them snapped, covered in blood an no dead rat anywhere. Having a

I had to use a glue trap for a rat that got in my house last winter. Nothing worked except for the glue trap. The whole thing is it was a big one and pregnant. So when it got stuck on the trap it smacked it around the house until it work me up. I then had to use a box and a lid to scoop the rat up, bring and bring it

Of course, the actual best way to eliminate mice is to prevent them from gaining access in the first place. Open all the cupboards, pull out the appliances, look where the baseboard heater pipes run through the walls and floors etc and search for gaps. Get a pair of gloves, steel wool (which they won’t chew through)

I killed a mouse with a wrist shot once. It was basically my crowing achievement. Had my stick on the floor, he ran right into it and I one timed him straight into the wall.

Once again, people think it takes more than 30 seconds and a passing thought to put this together.

I live in the South, and I will knock on doors for Bernie Sanders if it means four years of Larry David playing Bernie Sanders.

They’re arguing that the TTAB’s decision was arbitrary and capricious and thus not an appropriate exercise of government power. It’s an excellent example of why the government shouldn’t be tasked with determining what is “offensive.” Besides the obvious first amendment issues the government has a poor track record of will the government explain registrations like MARIJUANA FOR SALE, CAPITALISM SUCKS DONKEY BALLS, or KIRK COUSINS STARTING NFL QUARTERBACK?

I agree, but don’t they sort of have a point? If we get into censoring “offensive” trademarks I don't know where that stops.

Oh for fuck’s sake, are they ever going to get the spelling correct??

As an actual licensed attorney these internet wannabes are just as bad as the sudo-science, anti-vaxx, anti-gmo crowd. Completely uninformed, uneducated, and a danger to society.

wow, you’re impressively good at internet blah blah talking

I’m a high school teacher in FL. Every year, the Florida Bar drops off pamphlets at the end of the year for our seniors that gives them far more reliable advice about a broader range of topics than simply police interactions. Is this common practice anywhere else? Even though they don’t have the eye-grabbing factor of

It doesn’t matter that you’re assuming.

How else can you portray a white person wearing blackface? Do you hire a black actor to put on white face, and then add blackface on top of that?

ur problematic

Oh no, here comes a cavalcade of white dudes feigning outrage at the blackface in this video. “I was told blackface was wrong!” They’ll shout. “I don’t fully grasp the concept of context!”

Good point...forgot about “bankers hours”.