I’d guess her folks didn’t bring her up to act this way. On the other hand, if they did they should be ashamed. Something tells me Ms. McHenry has no shame. Her apology sounds like she was apologizing to herself. Lo
I’d guess her folks didn’t bring her up to act this way. On the other hand, if they did they should be ashamed. Something tells me Ms. McHenry has no shame. Her apology sounds like she was apologizing to herself. Lo
Yes. The obligatory Fox News quip. Hilarious.
McHenry isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. Came to Pittsburgh to cover hockey and asked for a 1 on 1 interview with a guy who was in biological quarantine. Penguins should have granted it. No need to save someone like this from their own stupidity.
Insulting the many women who work at Fox News! How awesome and original and not at all sexist, especially coming from mindless drones who don’t watch Fox News and get all their information about FN from leftist rags! But the reason I REALLY came here is to point out that the guy who took a relatively innocuous jab at…
She realized she was on camera. She just didn’t have the self control to hold back the vitriol once she got going. Can you imagine how she treats the people in her life?
I’m going to go out on a limb and say Ortiz is joking with Ellsbury.
It’s an incredibly small portion of causes of accidental child death, according to CDC numbers. Even if you generously expand in an attempt to expand those results to states not part of the study, it’s a ridiculous conclusion. There isn’t sufficient data to make the claim that it is a significant cause of accidental…
Near daily basis? Somebody’s not reading CDC statistics, clearly.
Video game coverage isn’t garbage. I love Kotaku!
I laughed when you called video game Youtubers “creatives”.
I guess "nigger" is just a poor choice of words now? Could have Kaminsky made this excuse?
It’s annoying when white teenage punks use the word “nigga,” as if it’s OK for them to do so as long as they leave off the “-er.” I lived with a black dude for two years in college and I would never, ever call him “nigga.” It’s a fucking insult. It’s not cool. People should use buddy, man, pal or dude instead.
I think he would have said “fuck this n....” instead of “fuck that n...” if he were referring to the questioner. That is Frank, This is the journalist
So a question about guarding Kaminasky in a game situation should be directed towards Kaminsky's teammates?
What a waste of coke.
Now that’s the kind of classy kid coach Calipari recruits. Wouldn’t expect anything less from a guy who is just passin through on his way to the association. What a shining example of how a student athlete should conduct himself on the sports biggest stage. Imagine what the reaction would be if the situation was…
Congrats Kaminsky, you’re “in”! Can’t wait for next year’s race draft!
This is what you get when you Reward fake students and a Cash Cow of a Program. Pathetic.
here's my worst one.